The 10th Anniversary Tournament was an Angry Birds Friends tournament that happened throughout:
- Octournament (December 9th to December 11th)
- Angryversary Tournament (December 12th to December 13th)
- Tournament 3 (December 14th to December 15th)
It was a tournament made to celebrate the 10th Birdday of the first Angry Birds game, the game that started it all. It features pigs with Birdday hats, presents, 10th Anniversary Cakes and much more, along with Bird Island in the background.
The tournament took place on Cobalt Plateaus, where Bird Island can be seen in the background during the afternoon with stars and clouds. A Piggy Zeppelin always flies with a banner with the 10th Anniversary Logo.
The foreground is a hilltop of Cobalt Plateaus, where there are clouds.
New Features
- 10th Anniversary Cake: Strawberry cakes that have Red Candles shaped like 10 above them. They are easy to destroy.
- Juice Bottle: Another easy to destroy object.
- Glass Of Juice: Another easy to destroy object.
- New Presents: Presents with a new wrap.
- Concept Art Birds Cardboard Cutout: Cardboard Cutouts that have images of four of the birds from Jaakko Iisalo's first sketch of the game. They are easy to destroy.
- Purple Tie: A pig's wear.