The Earth Hour Tournament was a Tournament held in Angry Birds Friends to promote Earth Hour, which is when everyone around the world stops using electricity for an hour to combat climate change. The Tournament ran from the 23rd to the 28th of March 2015.
Looks like the pigs are (unintentionally) participating in the Earth Hour lights-off event a bit early...
The Angry Birds will also be taking part with a special week-long tournament in Angry Birds Friends. Angry Birds Friends will also be shutting down for the lights-off event on March 28th between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm (Eastern European Time). Turn out your lights too and use #YourPower to #ChangeClimateChange![1]
New Features
- Lightbulbs: Whenever the player smashes a lightbulb, some lights in the buildings on the foreground go out. The goal is for the player to turn out all the lights in the foreground.