The Hip Hop Tournament was an Angry Birds Friends tournament that ran from August 17, 2015, to August 23, 2015. The tournament had a special main theme sang by Sidney Max, titled "Here Come the Birds".
You can’t debate it – this week’s tournament is going off! Exhibit fun and flyness every day by playing the Angry Birds Friends Hip Hop Tournament from August 17 to 23![1]
New Features
- Pig Wear: Various Pig outfits appear, including a sideways cap, a bandana, golden sunglasses, and a golden necklace.
- Spray Cans: Come in red, blue and green varieties. They spray out paint of their respective color when popped.
- Stage equipment: CDs, microphones, turntables, and stereos appear as decorative objects.
- Golden $ symbols: Decorative items that reward 5000 points when smashed.