The Holiday Oink Tournament was the fourth Holiday-themed tournament held in Angry Birds Friends. The Tournament ran for three weeks, first from December 14th to December 20th, again from the 21st to the 27th of December, then for the final time from December 28th 2014 to January 3rd 2015.
The grouchy little pigs won't quit on stealing Christmas - They're back for a second Holiday Oink Tournament in Angry Birds Friends![1]
New Features
- Decorative Objects: Decorative objects from previous tournaments including gift boxes, ornaments, Santa hats, reefs, trees, Christmas lights, and stockings.
- Jack-in-The-Box: A decorative object that ejects a jack when destroyed.
- Poles: Long poles that break easily.
- Gift Blocks: Blocks made of wrapping paper that come in the form of bricks and planks.
- Star: Small decorative object.
- Grouchy Pig: Certain Minion Pigs spawn with Christmas hats. If these Minion Pigs' hat is destroyed, they transform into a Grouchy Pig, which are tougher to pop.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3