The Egg Grape Chamber was a device created by Dr. Eggman to drain the life force of living beings trapped within to power his city of New Megaopolis. The Egg Grapes had three separate phases of torture: mind eraser, toxic infusion, and energy drain. Numerous Egg Grape Chambers together made up the vast Egg Vineyard where thousands of Mobians, particularly Echidnas, lost their lives.
Early Use
The Egg Grape Chambers were first employed by Dr. Eggman during Sonic the Hedgehog's year-long absence in space. When the city of Albion was attacked and subsequently destroyed, the vast majority of its citizens were captured and sent to the Egg Grape Chambers. Almost a year later, Eggman had his agent Hunter engage the Dark Legion and free Echidnas following Sonic and the Chaotix's rescue of Knuckles' father Locke. Hunter managed to send numerous Echidnas to the Egg Grape Chambers before being stopped by Hyper Knuckles. (StH: #140, #141, #182)
Use on Villains
The original batch of Egg Grape Chambers, which Eggman intended to use as a filter of sorts for harvesting energy from the Zone of Silence, were lost when Ixis Naugus was freed from the Zone and the Egg Vineyard was pulled into the portal. However, Eggman soon had a batch of new Egg Grape Chambers ready, and successfully transported Ixis Naugus, Mammoth Mogul, the Destructix and the Arachne. The Destructix were liberated and employed by Dr. Finitevus while the Arachne were killed due to the effects of the Egg Grape Chambers. Mammoth Mogul managed to preserve himself with his Chaos powers, while Naugus became a victim of their effects, becoming a mindless beast. Both managed to escape when they were released by Anonymous. (StH: #162, #163, #164, #165, #168, #173)
Later and Final Use
During Eggman's successful attack on Knothole, the Egg Fleet and Snively's battle suit transported all but five of the Kingdom of Acorn's citizens to the Egg Grape Chambers. Only Charmy Bee became a victim of them however, losing some of his memory. However, a rescue effort by Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and NICOLE resulted in the Mobians freedom and transportation to New Mobotropolis. Following this, Eggman once again attempted to use a revamped Egg Grape Chamber to drain the revived Enerjak of his Chaos powers. While some of his power was drained, Enerjak managed to escape from the Egg Grape Chamber and completely destroy New Megaopolis and the Egg Fleet, leaving only the Eggdome standing. The last of the Egg Grapes were used in the destroyed chamber, and Eggman has not constructed any others since. (StH: #175, #176, #177, #182, #183)
Victims Who Died
Known Victims
Possible Victims
Background Information
- In his Q&A, Flynn stated that the Original Freedom Fighters—along with other contents/residents of the Zone of Silence and Void, which would include the Minions—were reduced to nothing and used by Feist as building material for the Special Zone, meaning that Feist is responsible for the deaths of that group's members. (1). Presumably, all of the original Egg Grapes and the deceased Mobians they contained were similarly disposed of.