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Description: Information about the MacEwan Staff Association (MSA) including the history, goals and objectives, MSA Board, and member resources.
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Subject: MacEwan Staff Association, Staff associations
Group: Staff Associations
Creator: MacEwan Staff Association
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: The academic calendar includes information about admissions, the academic schedule, registration, enrollment, fees, programs, general policies, as well as descriptions of courses offered.
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Subject: Courses, Academic schedule, Academic programs
Group: Administration & Governance
Creator: Office of the University Registrar
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: MacEwan University Library's LibGuides, or subject guides, which are pages that provide links to information from various sources about a particular subject or thematic area.
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Subject: MacEwan University Library, Subject guides, Library guides
Group: Library
Creator: MacEwan University Library
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: The website of MacEwan University Library, containing content that includes pointer references to resources, research help material, library services information, and content about the Library.
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Subject: MacEwan University Library, John L. Haar Library, Student services
Group: Library
Creator: MacEwan University Library
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: GFC bylaws, procedures, minutes and membership. Also includes documentation on Standing Committees and Faculty/School Councils.
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Subject: General faculties council, Academic governance
Group: Administration & Governance
Creator: General Faculties Council
Archived since: 2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Documents which support the university's planning and reporting.
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Subject: Publications, Academic governance
Group: Publications
Creator: Board of Governors
Archived since: 2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: The portal to MacEwan University's Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC), which contains information on the Ukrainian Foundation for College Education (UFCE), on awards and bursaries, on URDC projects, as well as URDC newsletters.
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Subject: Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre, Centres
Group: Centres & Institutes
Creator: Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre
Archived since: 2021
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Arts and Science programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Arts & Science
Archived since: 2021
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Fine Arts & Communications
Archived since: 2022
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Health and Community Studies programs, departments, news and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Health and Community Studies
Archived since: 2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the School of Nursing programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Nursing
Archived since: 2022
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the School of Business programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: School of Business
Archived since: 2021
Collector: MacEwan University
Description: Includes information about the School of Continuing Education programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: School of Continuing Education
Archived since: 2021
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the types of student services offered by MacEwan University's Indigenous Centre, as well as events and news.
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Subject: Centres, Indigenous initiatives
Group: Centres & Institutes
Creator: kihêw waciston
Archived since: 2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Official news releases.
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Subject: Media releases, News
Group: News
Creator: Office of Communications and Marketing
See Also: Media Relations News Releases (2019-2022)
Archived since: 2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the types of student services offered by MacEwan University's Indigenous Centre, as well as events and news.
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Subject: Student services, Indigenous initiatives, Centres
Group: Centres & Institutes
Creator: kihêw waciston
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Official news releases, facts and figures, and a brief history of MacEwan University.
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Subject: News, Media releases
Group: News
Creator: Office of Communications and Marketing
Date: Captured 2019-2022
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes university updates related to COVID-19.
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Subject: News
Description: Includes information about MacEwan University's General Faculties Council (GFC), such as membership, agendas and minutes for GFC meetings, standing committees, and faculty and school councils.
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Subject: General Faculties Council, Academic governance
Group: Administration & Governance
Creator: General Faculties Council
Date: Captured 2019-2022
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Various university publications including annual reports, institutional plans, viewbooks, academic calendar, and continuing education guide.
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Subject: Publications
Group: Publications
Creator: MacEwan University
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Arts and Science programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Faculty of Arts and Science, Faculties, Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Arts and Science
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: The portal to MacEwan University's Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC), which contains information on the Ukrainian Foundation for College Education (UFCE), on awards and bursaries, on URDC projects, as well as an archive of the URDC newsletters.
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Subject: Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre, Centres
Group: Centres & Institutes
Creator: Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre
Date: Captured 2019-2022
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the School of Business programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: School of Business, Academic units, Schools
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: School of Business
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications, Faculties, Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Fine Arts and Communications
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Contains information about the Faculty of Health and Community Studies programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Faculty of Health and Community Studies, Faculties, Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Health and Community Studies
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the Faculty of Nursing programs, departments, news, and events.
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Subject: Faculty of Nursing, Faculties, Academic units
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: Faculty of Nursing
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Includes information about the School of Continuing Education programs, news, and events.
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Subject: School of Continuing Education, Academic units, Schools
Group: Faculties & Schools
Creator: School of Continuing Education
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: News articles grouped together based on several categories: arts and culture, business, campus life, health, science, sports, and society. Includes the president's column.
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Subject: News
Group: News
Creator: Office of Communications and Marketing
Date: Captured 2019-2023
Collector: MacEwan University Library
Description: Contains member resources for the Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association (GMUFA) including the Collective Agreement, constitution and bylaws documents, meetings information, and policy documents.
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Subject: Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association, Staff associations
Group: Staff Associations
Creator: Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association
Archived since: Aug, 2019
Collector: MacEwan University Library
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