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Archived since: Dec, 2016
The Websites in this collection are related to activities of, by, or at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, however they are not the Websites of official MIT Departments, Labs, or Centers nor the Administration.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Computers & Technology, Science & Health
Rights: Access to collections in Distinctive Collections is not authorization to publish. Separate written application for permission to publish must be made to Distinctive Collections. Copyright of some items in this collection may be held by respective creators, not by the donor(s) of the collection.
Language: English
Conditions Governing Access: Materials are open for research use unless otherwise stated at the seed level.
Collector: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Libraries. Department of Distinctive Collections
Archived since: Oct, 2016
This collection is comprised of web-based content that is on the mit.edu domain and created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology administration, departments, labs, and centers. It falls within the scope of the MIT Libraries Department of Distinctive Collections to collect the official information about, research outputs, and records of MIT.
Subject: Universities & Libraries, Computers & Technology, Science & Health
Rights: Material in this collection was captured under MIT Policy 13.3 Archival Policy (https://policies.mit.edu/policies-procedures/130-information-policies/133-archival-policy). Access to collections in the Department of Distinctive Collections is not authorization to publish. Separate written application for permission to publish must be made to Distinctive Collections. Copyright of some items in this collection may be held by respective creators, not by the creating office.
Language: English
Conditions Governing Access: Materials are open for research use unless otherwise stated at the seed level.
Collector: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Libraries. Department of Distinctive Collections
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