Blunt Fang (尖牙, Senga?, "Sharp Fang"), also localized as Whetted Fang, is a Dark-elemental martial arte used by Jude Mathis in Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2 that can inflict instant death on a downed enemy.
Arte Description and History
Jude punches his right fist diagonally downward, conjuring a small, bloodred explosion, then snaps his right fist away from the enemy and stands in that pose for a brief moment. The chance to inflict instant death on a downed enemy increases by 5% after 100, 200, and 400 uses. In Tales of Xillia, Dexterity influences this arte's damage output.
Original Titles
- Tales of Xillia - Jude Mathis (Blunt Fang), Golden Mage Knight - Scholar (Whetted Fang)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Jude Mathis (Blunt Fang)
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Xillia
Japanese Description: 闇の気を纏った突きを繰り出し、敵を一撃で葬り去る 必殺の武身技。ダウン時の敵に有効
User: Golden Mage Knight - Duelist
Alternate Japanese Quote: 押して参る!
Alternate Localized Quote: "Have at you!"
Tales of the Rays
Japanese Description:
- 闇の闘気を纏った突きを繰り出す
- 6連携目以降で発動すると『妖影・尖牙』に変化
- バーストリミッツ中は連携数省略可