Healer (治癒功, Chiyukou?, "Healing Skill") is a healing chi arte and spell mostly used by martial artists in the Tales series.
Arte Description and History
Like the spell First Aid, this arte allows the user to heal an ally with a small portion of HP. It replaces First Aid in Tales of Eternia, being viewed as an innate ability earned through mastering one's chi rather than a spell, although it still requires a short spellcasting delay. In this game, it is conceived as a means of healing allies quickly while the dedicated magic users take the required time to cast their own more potent healing spells. Healer is treated the same way in Tales of Symphonia, with the added concept of recovering a greater amount of health to allies that are closer to the caster. The greatest potency of healing is achieved when Regal Bryant casts Healer on himself.
This arte is converted into a self-enhancement with zero spellcasting delay by Hermana Larmo from Tales of Innocence, while Jude Mathis provides this healing effect to all allies within a small range around himself with the same lack of spellcasting delay in Tales of Xillia and its sequel. Jude can extend this arte into Immaculate Healer if he is equipped with the Second Artes skill in both games.
Original Titles
- Tales of Eternia - Farah Oersted (Healer)
- Tales of Symphonia - Regal Bryant (Healer)
- Tales of Eternia Online - Fighter class
- Tales of Innocence - Hermana Larmo
- Tales of Innocence R - Hermana Larmo
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Regal Bryant (Healer)
- Tales of Xillia - Jude Mathis (Healer)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Jude Mathis (Healer)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 - Monk costume, Farah Oersted
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 - Fighter costume, Farah Oersted
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Monk class, Farah Oersted
- Tales of VS. - Farah Oersted
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Monk class, Farah Oersted
- Tales of the World: Tactics Union - Jude Mathis
- Tales of the World: Reve Unitia - Jude Mathis
- Tales of Link - Jude Mathis (Immaculate Healer); Skill: Farah Oersted (Healer)
- Tales of Asteria - Farah Oersted, Jude Mathis
- Tales of the Rays - Farah Oersted, Jude Mathis (Healer), Hermana Larmo; Cutscene: Jude Mathis (Healer)
- Tales of Crestoria - Farah Oersted (Healer)
Fan-Translated Names
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Eternia
Japanese Description: 味方一人のHPを小回復する
Localized Description: "Restores minimal HP of an ally."
Tales of Symphonia
Japanese Description: 味方一人の体力を回復させる気功 離れるほど回復量が減少する
Localized Description: "Heal a party member (proportional to the distance)."
Japanese Quote: 捉えた!治癒功!
Localized Quote: "I have you! Healer!
Tales of Innocence
Japanese Description: 自分の体力を回復する特技
Japanese Quote: あぁ~しんど
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Japanese Description: 味方一人の体力を回復させる気功
Tales of Xillia
Japanese Description: 集中し、自分と周囲の仲間のHPを回復する武身技。自身との距離が近いほど大きく回復する。
Localized Description: "Focused energy that restores HP to oneself and those nearby. The closer the ally, the stronger the effect."
Tales of Innocence R
Japanese Description: 気を溜め込んで、自身の体力を回復させる特技
Tales of the Rays
User: Farah Oersted
Japanese Description: 味方一人のHPを小回復する回復術
Localized Description: "A recovery arte that heals a little HP for one ally."
Japanese Quote: 負けないで!
User: Jude Mathis
Japanese Description: 自身とその小範囲のHPを小回復する技
Localized Description: "An arte that recovers some HP to both the user and other nearby allies."
User: Hermana Larmo
Japanese Description: 周囲を攻撃し、自身とその小範囲の味方のHPを小回復する回復術
Japanese Quote: 気合や!治癒功!