Nurse (ナース, Naasu?) is a healing spell that usually _targets the entire party, regardless of each party member's position on the battlefield.
Arte Description and History
When this spell is used, the animation generally includes medic angels or actual nurses that fly or run through the stage; at the end of the lengthy animation, the entire party is healed simultaneously. This spell is generally useful, as it heals all party members regardless of their positions, though it takes some seconds after its activation before anyone is healed. Some versions of the animation involve the nurses opening or tossing medical kits over each party member, delaying the actual healing effect. Recent games, like Tales of the Rays and Tales of Crestoria replace any and all nurses with a green sphere floating in the air in the center of the battlefield and spreading healing energy.
In the original Super Famicom version of Tales of Phantasia, it is possible for one or more of the party members to be unaffected by the healing. The number of nurses that appear is limited to the number of living allies who are visible in the part of the battlefield that the camera is focused on at the time the spell is cast so that one nurse will always heal the spellcaster, but additional nurses may not be spawned to heal other allies unless they are close to them. This inefficiency is removed in later releases of Tales of Phantasia and all other titles, allowing the spell to affect all party members, even if they are off-screen.
In Tales of Eternia, casting Nurse opens large hospital doors on the left side of the field to allow the nurses to come running onto the field and heal the party. The long delay between the spell's activation and its healing effect is actually advantageous in this game due to the limitations of having a single-spell animation in progress at a given time, such that all other spells are queued until the animation of the current one ends, even if the full spellcasting duration has been achieved. This allows Nurse to be used as a means of preventing enemy spells from being activated while providing time for allies to attack an enemy that is frozen in its spellcasting stance.
In Tales of Symphonia, Raine Sage obtains this spell if she is focused on the Technical branch of arte progression after having mastered First Aid. Repeating usage of this spell will eventually cause Raine to learn Healing Circle. Because of its ability to heal all party members for a moderate amount of HP, it is useful in situations where the whole party has been injured and is spread too far to be healed by area-based spells. However, its Strike counterpart, Heal, is capable of healing considerably more HP to a single ally.
In Tales of Vesperia, the spell can be altered into Nightingale when the skill Crucible is equipped on Estelle.
Original Titles
- Tales of Phantasia (SFC) - Mint Adenade
- Tales of Phantasia (PSX / iOS) + Full Voice Edition + Cross Edition - Mint Adenade (Nurse)
- Tales of Phantasia (GBA) + Mobile - Mint Adenade (Nurse)
- Tales of Destiny (PSX) - Swordian Atwight (Nurse)
- Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut - Rutee Katrea, Healer
- Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon - Cleric costume, Priestess costume, Mint Adenade costume, Meltia
- Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - Nurse costume, Mint Adenade
- Tales of Eternia - Meredy, Keele Zeibel (Nurse)
- Tales of Symphonia - Raine Sage (Nurse)
- Tales of Eternia Online - Divine Craymel Mage class
- Tales of the Tempest - Rubia Natwick, Arria Ekberg
- Tales of Innocence R - Ange Serena
- Tales of Vesperia (X360) - Estelle (Nurse)
- Tales of Vesperia (PS3) + Definitive Edition - Estelle (Nurse); Big Risk: Patty Fleur (Nurse)
- Tales of Hearts - Hisui Hearts
- Tales of Hearts R - Hisui Hearts (Nurse)
- Tales of Graces - Cheria Barnes (Nurse)
- Tales of Xillia - Elize Lutus (Nurse)
- Tales of Xillia 2 - Elize Lutus, Mint (Nurse)
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 - Cleric costume, Mint Adenade, Keele Zeibel
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 - Mint Adenade, Keele Zeibel, Raine Sage
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - Priest class, Rutee Katrea, Raine Sage (Nurse)
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Priest class, Bishop class, Mint Adenade, Keele Zeibel, Raine Sage, Rubia Natwick, Estelle
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Priest class, Bishop class, Mint Adenade, Keele Zeibel, Meredy, Raine Sage, Rubia Natwick, Estelle, Hisui Hearts, Cheria Barnes
- Tales of the World: Tactics Union - Meredy, Estelle, Cheria Barnes, Rubia Natwick
- Tales of the World: Reve Unitia - Cheria Barnes, Estelle, Hisui Hearts, Rubia Natwick
- Tales of Link - Mint (Nurse); Skill: Mint Adenade, Raine Sage, Ange Serena, Hisui Hearts (Nurse)
- Tales of Asteria - Mint Adenade, Atwight Eks, Meredy, Raine Sage, Martel Yggdrasill, Rubia Natwick, Estelle, Chastel Aiheap, Hisui Hearts, Elize Lutus, Cult Specialist
- Tales of the Rays - Mint Adenade, Cheria Barnes, Elize Lutus (Nurse), Rubia Natwick, Hisui Hearts, Nurse Knight, Medic Knight
- Tales of Crestoria - Mint Adenade (Nurse)
Fan-Translated Names
- Tales of Phantasia (SFC) (DeJap Translations): Nurse
- Tales of Phantasia (PSX) (Absolute Zero): Nurse
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 (Kajitani-Eizan): Nurse
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 (Kajitani-Eizan): Nurse
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Phantasia (SFC)
Japanese Description: 法術の一つ。味方全員のHPを回復させる
Romanized Description: Houjutsu no hitotsu. Mikata zen'in no HP wo kaifuku saseru
Translated Description (DeJap Translations): "Summons angels to heal the party."[1]
Tales of Phantasia (PSX)
Translated Description (Absolute Zero): "Restore some HP to all allies."
Tales of Eternia
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを回復させる水系晶霊術
Localized Description: "Restores all ally HP."[2]
Tales of Phantasia (GBA)
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを回復させる
Romanized Description: Mikata zen'in no HP wo kaifuku saseru
Localized Description: "Heal all allies' HP."[3]
Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを30%前後回復させる晶術。
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Restores 30% HP to the party."
Japanese Quote: 癒しの恵みよ、ナース!
Tales of Symphonia
Japanese Description: 味方全員の体力を回復させる中級治癒術
Localized Description: "Healing (mid): heal all party members."
User: Raine Sage
Japanese Quote: 今助けます!ナース!
Localized Quote: "Help is on the way! Nurse!"
User: Meredy
Japanese Quote: 今だ!ナース!
Localized Quote: "Now! Nurse!"
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを中程度回復する術
Localized Description: "Magic: Restore a medium amount of HP to all allies."
Tales of the Tempest
Japanese Description: 味方全体のHPを最大HPの30%分回復する
Tales of Vesperia
Japanese Description: 白衣の天使が現れ、味方全員の HPを中回復する中級魔術
Localized Description: "Intermediate Spell: Summon an angel to restore a medium amount of HP to all allies."
Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 白き天の使い達よ、その微笑みを我らに!ナース!
Localized Quote: "O brilliant angels, grant us your favor... Nurse!"
Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Localized Quote: "Light! Nurse!"
Tales of Hearts
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを45%回復する。
Tales of Graces
Japanese Description: 味方全体のHPを44%~回復する 治癒術。
Localized Description: "A healing arte that recovers around 44% of the HP of all allies."
Normal Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 紡ぎしは慈愛、母なる御手を翳す、光の奇跡にいま名を与うる!ナース!
Localized Quote: "O strands of love, give name to the brilliance that offers its nurturing hand. Nurse!"
Shortened Spellcasting Time:
Japanese Quote: 皆に届け、愛の煌めき!ナース!
Localized Quote: "All shall bask in warmth. Nurse!"
Tales of Xillia
Japanese Description: 白衣の天使が現れ、味方全員のHPを50%回復する 精霊術。ティポON時は回復量が上がる。
Localized Description: "An angel in nurse scrubs comes forth to refill 50% of all allies' HP. It heals more HP when Teepo is ON."
Teepo ON:
Japanese Quote: 白き精霊舞い、祝福の羽踊る!ナース!
Romanized Quote: Shiroki seirei mai, shukufuku no hane odoru! Naasu!
Localized Quote: "Spirits flutter and grant us fortune. Nurse!"
Teepo OFF:
Japanese Quote:
Romanized Quote:
Localized Quote:
User: Presa
Unused Japanese Quote: まとめて癒してあげる。ナース!
Unused Localized Quote: "Bathe in light. Nurse!"
Tales of Innocence R
Japanese Description: 味方全体のHPを40%回復させる中級天術
Tales of Xillia 2
User: Mint
Localized Quote: "Spirits, revitalize our weariness. Nurse!"
Tales of Hearts R
Japanese Description: 味方全体のHPを40%回復させる中級術
Localized Description: "An arte for adepts that restores 40% of all party members' HP."
Japanese Quote: 喧嘩はこれからだぜ?ナース!
Tales of the Rays
Japanese Description: 味方全員のHPを中回復する回復術
User: Mint Adenade, Cheria Barnes
Localized Description: "A recovery arte that heals some HP for all allies."
User: Hisui Hearts
Japanese Description:
- 味方全員のHPを中回復する回復術
- 5連携目以降で発動すると秘技変化
- バーストリミッツ中は連携数省略可
Tales of Crestoria
Japanese Quote: 白き使いよ、ナース!
- ↑ Tales of Phantasia (SNES) FAQ/Walkthrough Part 2/2 by JPuga GameFAQs (2001-07-15) Retrieved on 2009-07-01.
- ↑ Tales of Destiny II (PS) FAQ/Walkthrough Part 1/2 by Psycho Penguin GameFAQs (2002) Retrieved on 2008-03-07.
- ↑ Tales of Phantasia (GBA) FAQ/Walkthrough by sonicfreak77 GameFAQs (2007) Retrieved on 2008-03-07.