Swallow Storm (連牙飛燕脚, Renga Hienkyaku?, "Chaining Fang Flying Swallow Kick") is an arte in the Tales series that serves as a combination of the Swallow Dance and Talon Storm artes.
Arte Description and History
The user performs Talon Storm's rapid strikes before continuing with Swallow Dance's kicks, trapping their _target in a long combo.
Original Titles
- Tales of Legendia - Senel Coolidge (Swallow Storm)
- Tales of Innocence - Hermana Larmo
- Tales of Innocence R - Hermana Larmo
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - Fighter class, Senel Coolidge (Swallow Storm)
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Fighter class, Senel Coolidge
- Tales of VS. - Senel Coolidge
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Fighter class, Senel Coolidge
- Tales of Link - Senel Coolidge (Swallow Storm)
- Tales of Asteria - Senel Coolidge
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Legendia
Japanese Description: 無数の蹴り技から飛び蹴りに繋ぐ蹴爪乱舞
Localized Description: "Arcane: A combination of Talon Storm & Swallow Dance."
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
Localized Description: "Arcane: A combination of Talon Storm & Swallow Dance."
Tales of Innocence
Japanese Description: 連牙弾と飛燕連脚を組み合わせた奥義
Translated Description: (Absolute Zero) "Arcane: Combine Talon Storm and Swallow Dance."
Japanese Quote: 連牙飛燕脚やー!
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
Japanese Description: 連牙弾と飛燕連脚を組合わせた奥義