
Rising Moonlight Havoc

Rising Moonlight Havoc (ToV)
Rising Moonlight Havoc as it appears in Tales of Vesperia.

Rising Moonlight Havoc (飛燕崩蹴月 / 飛燕崩襲月, Hien Houshuugetsu?, "Flying Swallow Crumbling Kicking Moon / Flying Swallow Crumbling Striking Moon") is an arcane arte exclusive to Judith from Tales of Vesperia.

Arte Description and History

Judith sweeps her weapon, striking the _target and leaping into the air in the process. She then strikes the _target again in the air with her weapon, kicks them, and concludes with a final kick that sends them to the ground.

In Tales of VS. and Tales of the Rays, the kanji 蹴 (, shuu?, "kick") is replaced with 襲 (, shuu?, "attack"). In Tales of the Rays, this arte is Wind-elemental.


Original Titles

Crossover Titles

In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes

Tales of Vesperia

Japanese Description: 飛燕月華と崩蹴月を組み合わせた奥義
Localized Description: "Arcane Arte: Toss the enemy in the air, then do a combination of slashes and kicks."

Tales of the Rays

Japanese Description:


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