Celestial Conqueror (星覇, Seiha?, "Starry Ascent") is a Light-elemental archery-based arte mostly exclusive to Chelsea Torn from Tales of Destiny.
Arte Description and History
The arte involves Chelsea firing five yellow-green arrows in an arching fashion, beginning low and rising with each arrow fired. A circle of stars accompanies each shot of the arte, which, if successful, will lift the _target into the air. In both Tales of Destiny and Tales of the Rays, the arte can be performed while in the air.
Original Titles
- Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut - Chelsea Torn
- Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - Striker costume
Crossover Titles
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 - Hunter class
- Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 - Hunter class, Chelsea Torn
- Tales of Link - Chelsea Torn (Celestial Conqueror)
- Tales of the Rays - Chelsea Torn
Fan-Translated Names
- Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (Life Bottle Productions): Celestial Conqueror
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut
Translated Description (Life Bottle Productions): "Rapidly shoots foes into the air."
Japanese Quote: やっちゃうぞ!星覇!
Tales of the Rays
Japanese Description: 刹那に繰り出す星の光を伴う連続射撃 術技強化で空中でも連携可
Japanese Quote (midair): やっちゃうぞ?