Sonic Sword Rain (綜雨衝, Souushou?, "Combined Raining Thrusts") is an upgraded version of the Sword Rain arte, thus far exclusive to Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia.
Arte Description and History
Sonic Sword Rain is the only master arte that combines two base artes. When this arte is executed, Lloyd will thrust multiple times in the same manner as Sword Rain and then finish the attack with a powerful thrust that pushes the enemy away, similar to Sonic Thrust. Lloyd will learn this arte after mastering Sword Rain if he is aligned with the Strike branch of artes. Unlike its Technical branch counterpart, Sword Rain: Alpha, this arte does not have any upgraded version.
Original Titles
- Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd Irving (Sonic Sword Rain)
Crossover Titles
In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes
Tales of Symphonia
Localized Description: "Lv. 2 Sp. Attack: countless number of thrusts that end with a powerful blow."