The following is a list of all ★4 Heroes in Tales of Link who originate from Tales of Xillia. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page has missing localizations, which are indicated with gray backgrounds, and may not be complete due to limited edition items.
Name | Type | Japan Stats | Global Stats | Arte | Leader Skill | Skill | Passives | |||||||||
Level [1] |
ATK | HP | RCV | LC | Level [1] |
ATK | HP | RCV | LC | Name | LC Cost | |||||
[Karma Breaker] Jude [業破の掌底] ジュード [Gouha no Shoutei] Jude |
Thrust | 1 | 762 | 817 | 691 | 10 | 1 | 336 | 344 | 163 | 6 | Reaper's Toll 掌底破 Shouteiha (Palm Strike) |
Hard-Fisted Warrior 業打の武身 Gouda no Bushin |
Going Your Own Way 自ら歩む道のり Mizukara Ayumu Michinori |
25 | Vitality 2 Forcefulness 3 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1560 | 1928 | 1415 | 50 | 1024 | 1128 | 650 | |||||||||
80 | 1831 | 2305 | 1661 | 70 | 1305 | 1448 | 849 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Fists of Faith] Jude [信念の拳] ジュード [Shinnen no Kobushi] Jude |
Bash | 1 | 675 | 885 | 639 | 10 | 1 | 318 | 584 | 25 | 15 | Shattering Demon Fist 衝破魔神拳 Shouha Majinken |
Hidden Power of the Fist 拳に秘めた力 Kobushi ni Himeta Chikara |
Piercing Conviction 貫く信念 Tsuranuku Shinnen |
45 | Quick Drain 3 Vitality 3 First Link 3 |
60 | 1382 | 2237 | 1308 | 50 | 970 | 1916 | 100 | |||||||||
80 | 1622 | 2495 | 1535 | 70 | 1236 | 2459 | 131 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Piercing Faith] Milla [貫き通す信念] ミラ [Tsuranukitousu Shinnen] Milla |
Slash | 1 | 775 | 784 | 706 | 10 | 1 | 371 | 337 | 148 | 4 | Shimmer Spin ラウンドエッジ Round Edge |
Magic Blade Devastation 烈刃の魔剣技 Retsujin no Makengi |
Slash from the Soul 霊闘の斬技 Reitou no Zangi |
25 | Weapon Boost 2 Strength 3 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1588 | 1850 | 1447 | 50 | 1132 | 1107 | 591 | |||||||||
80 | 1864 | 2212 | 1698 | 70 | 1442 | 1421 | 772 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Lord of Spirits] Milla [精霊の主] ミラ [Seirei no Shu] Milla |
Spell | 1 | 599 | 689 | 648 | 10 | 1 | 426 | 284 | 496 | 12 | Wind Blade ウィンドカッター Wind Cutter |
Command of the Four 四大を従える者 Yondai wo Shitagaerumono |
Unwavering Resolve 揺るぎなき意志 Yuruginaki Ishi |
25 | Vitality 2 Crisis Attacker Heal Plus 4 |
60 | 1227 | 1626 | 1328 | 50 | 991 | 761 | 1110 | |||||||||
80 | 1440 | 1944 | 1558 | 70 | 1222 | 955 | 1361 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Resolute Spirit Lord] Milla [強き意志の精霊主] ミラ [Tsuyoki Ishi no Seireiou] Milla |
Spell | 1 | 734 | 727 | 720 | 10 | 1 | 426 | 284 | 496 | 12 | Rock Trine ロックトライ Rock Tri |
Blessing of the Four 四大の恩恵 Yondai no Onkei |
Blaze the Trail 切り開く道筋 Kirihiraku Michisuji |
30 | Armor Boost 2 Pinch Healer Repair 4 |
60 | 1504 | 1714 | 1476 | 50 | 991 | 761 | 1110 | |||||||||
80 | 1765 | 2049 | 1732 | 70 | 1222 | 955 | 1361 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Duty Fulfiller] Milla [使命果たす主] ミラ [Shimei Hatasu Ou] Milla |
Spell | 1 | 686 | 668 | 655 | 10 | 1 | 686 | 668 | 655 | 12 | Whirling Assault アサルトダンス Assault Dance |
Commander of the Great Four 四大精霊の使役 Yondaiseirei no Shieki |
Flashing Casting 無詠唱の精霊術 Mueishou no Seireijutsu |
25 | Vitality 2 Weapon Boost 3 Strength 4 |
60 | 1406 | 1575 | 1341 | 60 | 1406 | 1575 | 1341 | |||||||||
80 | 1650 | 1883 | 1574 | 80 | 1650 | 1883 | 1574 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Kimamana Youhei] Alvin[2] [気ままな傭兵] アルヴィン |
Thrust | 1 | 857 | 760 | 637 | 10 | - | - | - | - | - | Wide Shot ワイドショット (Pulse Shot) |
Combat Brown コンバットブラウン |
Osharena Coat お洒落なコート |
30 | Repair 2 Attack Force 3 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1758 | 1794 | 1305 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
80 | 2064 | 2144 | 1531 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Hired Gun] Alvin [マーセナリー] アルヴィン [Mercenary] Alvin |
Shot | 1 | 781 | 842 | 629 | 10 | 1 | 386 | 328 | 99 | 3 | Pulse Shot ワイドショット Wide Shot |
Mercenary Survival Artes 傭兵の生きる術 Youhei no Ikiru Kutsu |
Tactical Shot タクティカルバレット Tactical Bullet |
20 | Inspirit Attackers 2 Weapon Boost 3 Strength 4 |
60 | 1601 | 1987 | 1288 | 50 | 1177 | 1075 | 396 | |||||||||
80 | 1879 | 2375 | 1512 | 70 | 1500 | 1380 | 517 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Mercenary's Pride] Alvin [傭兵の意地] アルヴィン [Youhei no Iji] Alvin |
Shot | 1 | 782 | 834 | 652 | 10 | 1 | 390 | 355 | 127 | 3 | Squall Shot レインバレット Rain Bullet |
Cross-Range Gunner クロスレンジガンナー Close Range Gunner |
Quick Shot クイックショット |
30 | Armor Boost 2 Inspirit Attackers 2 Strength 4 |
60 | 1510 | 1840 | 1259 | 50 | 1064 | 992 | 442 | |||||||||
90 | 1880 | 2352 | 1568 | 80 | 1477 | 1382 | 635 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Gushing Hot Springs] Leia [湧き出す温泉] レイア [Wakidasu Onsen] Leia |
Thrust | 1 | 822 | 1099 | 538 | 10 | 1 | 822 | 1099 | 538 | 6 | Crescent Flash 大輪月華 Tairingekka |
Flow from the Source 源泉かけ流し Gensenkakenagashi |
Flushed Cheeks 紅潮の頬 Kouchou no Hoho |
99 | - |
5 | 882 | 1145 | 587 | 5 | 882 | 1145 | 587 | |||||||||
80 | 2000 | 2000 | 1500 | 80 | 2000 | 2000 | 1500 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Mezase, Okaa-san!] Leia[2] [目指せ、お母さん!] レイア |
Bash | 1 | 721 | 760 | 737 | 10 | - | - | - | - | - | Chirisazame 散沙雨 (Sword Rain) |
Kasshinkon 活伸棍 |
Senshin no Kamae 専心の構え |
30 | Lucky Heal Double Enhance 2 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1541 | 1880 | 1576 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
80 | 1733 | 2142 | 1773 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Preteen Fighter] Elize [戦う少女] エリーゼ [Tatakau Shoujo] Elise ([Warrior Maiden] Elize) |
Shot | 1 | 775 | 735 | 753 | 10 | 1 | 324 | 357 | 163 | 3 | Teepo Spray ティポサライブ Tipo Salive |
Extraordinary Talent 非凡な才覚 Hibonna Saikaku |
Angsty Pre-Teen 悩める乙女 Nayameru Otome |
25 | Repair 2 Forcefulness 3 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1588 | 1734 | 1541 | 50 | 988 | 1171 | 650 | |||||||||
80 | 1863 | 2073 | 180 | 70 | 1259 | 1503 | 849 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Spirit Channeler] Elize [精霊術士] エリーゼ [Seireijutsushi] Elise |
Spell | 1 | 656 | 603 | 836 | 10 | 1 | 313 | 187 | 265 | 12 | Dark Gaze サーペンツヴァイト Serpents Vite |
Advanced Channeler 高等精霊術士 Koutou Seireijutsushi |
Teepo Switching スイッチングティポ Switching Tipo |
25 | |
60 | 1343 | 1423 | 1714 | 50 | 952 | 612 | 1057 | |||||||||
80 | 1576 | 1701 | 2011 | 70 | 1213 | 786 | 1380 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Channeling Prodigy] Elize [若き天才術士] エリーゼ [Wakaki Tensai Jutsushi] Elise |
Spell | 1 | 714 | 677 | 877 | 10 | 1 | 301 | 198 | 277 | 12 | Dread Wings フラッターズ・ディム Flutters Dim |
Peerless Spirit Artes 卓越せし精霊術 Takuetsuseshi Seireijutsu |
Princessia Bloom プリンセシアの花 Princessia no Hana |
35 | Link Recovery Armor Boost 3 Heal Plus 4 |
60 | 1463 | 1598 | 1797 | 50 | 917 | 649 | 1106 | |||||||||
80 | 1717 | 1910 | 2109 | 70 | 1168 | 833 | 1444 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Enlightened Butler] Rowen [聡明なる老執事] ローエン [Soumeinaru Roushitsuji] Rowen |
Spell | 1 | 688 | 711 | 787 | 10 | 1 | 337 | 225 | 250 | 12 | Freeze Lancer フリーズランサー |
Servant's Etiquette 執事の嗜み Shitsuji no Tashinami |
Conductor's Tuning 指揮者の調律 Shikisha no Chouritsu |
25 | First Link Double Boost 2 Link Finisher 3 |
60 | 1409 | 1677 | 1612 | 50 | 1026 | 735 | 996 | |||||||||
80 | 1654 | 2005 | 1892 | 70 | 1307 | 943 | 1300 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[The Shadowless] Agria [無影] アグリア [Muei] Agria |
Slash | 1 | 668 | 761 | 673 | 10 | 1 | 495 | 253 | 80 | 4 | Blazing Ring 炎舞陣 Enbujin |
Scornful Gaze 嘲りの眼差し Azakeri no Manazashi |
Ultimate Lemon Gel 極上レモングミ Gokujou Lemon Gummy |
35 | Link Boost Pinch Attacker Lucky Healing 2 |
60 | 1369 | 1797 | 1380 | 50 | 1509 | 830 | 319 | |||||||||
80 | 1607 | 2148 | 1619 | 70 | 1923 | 1066 | 417 | |||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
[Youen no Hyakujutsu] Presa[2] [妖艶の百術] プレザ |
Shot | 1 | 735 | 875 | 668 | 10 | - | - | - | - | - | Splash スプラッシュ |
Ryuusei Shoukan 龍精召還 |
Mizu no Ryuusei 水の龍精 |
35 | Repair 2 Yell Attackers Weapon Enhance 4 |
60 | 1508 | 2066 | 1369 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
80 | 1770 | 2470 | 1606 | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
- [JP] キャラクター/☆4 TOLi攻略wiki (2016) Retrieved on 2016-03-20.
- 4-star Units on Tales of Link Wikia