The following is a list of all Grade Shop options in Tales of Xillia. Grade is required to purchase these options and enable their effects during a second or later playthrough. Grade is earned through completion of the same requirements that enable titles to be acquired by the party.
Grade Shop (グレードショップ)
Option Name | Purchase Price (Grade) | Function |
Inherit Half Levels ??? ??? "???" |
2000 |
Inherit Full Levels ??? ??? "???" |
5000 |
Inherit Shop Levels ??? ??? "???" |
1000 |
Max Item Capacity: 30 アイテム所持数拡張30 Item Shoji-suu Kakuchou 30 "Item Increase to 30" |
500 |
Max Item Capacity: 99 アイテム所持数拡張99 Item Shoji-suu Kakuchou 99 "Item Increase to 99" |
1000 |
Inherit Gald ??? ??? "???" |
1000 |
Inherit Consumable Items 道具アイテム引継ぎ Dougu Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Tool Items" |
300 |
Inherit Material Items 素材アイテム引継ぎ Sozai Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Material Items" |
500 |
Inherit Fashion Items ビジュアルアイテム引き継ぎ Visual Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Visual Items" |
200 |
Inherit Accessory Items 装飾品アイテム引き継ぎ Soushokuhin Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Accessory Items" |
700 |
Inherit Special Items 特殊アイテム入手 Tokushu Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Special Items" |
200 |
Inherit Skill Items スキルアイテム引き継ぎ Skill Item Hikitsugi "Inherit Skill Items" |
2000 |
Inherit Devil's Arms ??? ??? "???" |
500 |
Double Experience 獲得経験値2倍 Kakutoku Keikenchi 2-bai "2x Experience" |
300 |
5x Experience 獲得経験値5倍 Kakutoku Keikenchi 5-bai "5x Experience" |
2000 |
Double Gald 獲得ガルド2倍 Kakutoku Gald 2-bai "Gald Acquisition 2x" |
300 |
Double Item Drops アイテムドロップ率2倍 Item Drop Ritsu 2-bai "2x Item Drop Rate" |
500 |
Double Material Points ??? ??? "???" |
300 |
Unlock Skits チャット全開放 Chat Zenkaihou "Chat Unlock All" |
3000 |
Double Gauge Growth 共鳴術技ゲージ上昇率2倍 Kyoumei Jutsu-Waza Gauge Joushou Ritsu 2-bai "2x Link Arte Gauge Fill Rate" |
300 |
Maximum AC +1 AC最大値+1 AC Saidaichi +1 "Maximum AC +1" |
500 |
Maximum AC +2 AC最大値+2 AC Saidaichi +2 "Maximum AC +2" |
1500 |
Inherit Arte Usage 術技使用回数引継ぎ Jutsu-Waza Shiyou Kaisuu Hikitsugi |
100 |
Skill SP 1 ??? ??? "???" |
3000 |
Triple Critical クリティカル率3倍 Critical Ritsu 3-bai "Critical Rate 3x" |
100 |
Double Damage ダメージ2倍 Damage Ritsu 2-bai "Damage Rate 2x" |
100 |
Reduce Arte Cost 術・技消費TP減少 Jutsu-Waza Shouhi TP Genshou "Reduce Arte TP Consumption" |
1000 |
- Tales of Xillia (PS3) FAQ/Walkthrough by Krystal109 GameFAQs (2013-08-30) Retrieved on 2013-09-01.
- Tales of Xillia (PS3) Cheats by Zoelius, MegaMario1000, and kokokokmokoko GameFAQs Retrieved on 2013-09-01.