I am to be sacrificed in the wicker man as King of the Harvest! Like Ealdorman Simkin before me, and all before him.Ealdorman Cynon mentioning Simkin to Eivor, c. 876
Simkin (died 856) was the ealdorman of Glowecestrescire in the Kingdom of Mercia during the late 9th century. He was married to a high priestess, with whom they had a daughter named Brigid.
Following the traditions maintained by the previous ealdormen of Glowecestre, Simkin was sacrificed in the wicker man as King of the Harvest during Glowecestre's annual Samhain festivities held on 31 October in the year 856. He was then succeeded by Cynon, who took great care of his daughter.[1]
- Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (mentioned only)