Language editing services

Many non-native English speakers prefer to have their manuscript edited by a native speaker before submitting. (It can certainly improve the language, grammar, spelling and punctuation!) But if that native speaker also has specific experience in editing research manuscripts combined with knowledge of your specialty area, then they can add considerably to the clarity and impact of the submitted paper. This allows reviewers and editors to focus on the scientific content of your work.


BMJ Author Services

BMJ has chosen to partner with Editage to offer language editing and translation services to medical researchers who seek to publish in leading journals, whether published by BMJ or others. BMJ and Editage share a commitment to enabling all authors to clearly communicate their research globally. We believe that a lack of English language proficiency must never be a barrier to publication of well-conducted research. The best science must always be able to reach the global audience it deserves, whatever the mother tongue of the researchers who made the discovery (Other language editing services are available).


Our guarantee

BMJ Author Services offers you the guarantee of a free ‘re-edit’ in the highly unlikely event that a manuscript it has language-edited for you is rejected by a journal on language grounds. But please note that using a professional language editing service is NOT a requirement of BMJ nor of any of the journals it publishes under the BMJ brand nor on behalf of society partners. Please also note that use of our own service does not guarantee acceptance of your manuscript by BMJ.

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