Caldren, Painbringer



Caldren is a rare dark martial artist who can be earned by gathering 100 shards from level 6-7.

He specialises in de-buffing the enemy, reducing attack, defense and blocking their special abilities for 2 turns.

This is very useful against bosses and can prevent them from using their special at the start of an encounter, giving you a time advantage.

Special - Debilitating Lash

173% attack. Reduce enemy attack by 40% for 2 attacks and defense by 6% of this hero's max HP for 2 hits. Blocks special abilities for 2 attacks

60 mana cost

4 turn cooldown

Passive - Mark of Pain

Basic attacks mark _target. Bonus 15% attack damage to marked _targets. Only one mark can be active at a time and will fade on hero's next attack

Commander - None


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