Heroes are grouped under 16 different classes, these help identify their stat distribution and purpose in battle
Primarily single _target damage dealers with high offensive and burst damage potential
One of the squishiest classes with the highest burst-damage potential. Assassins require protection from other heroes, but they are devastating if they can get continuous attacks off. Some assassins can disrupt enemies in addition to dealing high damage
Mixed front-line fighters with high sustained DPS. They attack quickly and have high reflex attack chances, making them a great choice for a balanced fighter. Highest counter rates in the game at 24% and have a critical + double strike combo
The Cleric is the mainstay of the team, able to heal of resurrect their allies. Almost every party will have at least one
Dragon Knight
A tactical attacker, with access to every combo attack. This can create devastating chains if they have support of combo-boosting allies, but they require good timing to execute properly
Holy Knight
The Holy Knight is a tank class with either single _target burst or healing spells. They can cast very effective spells but have a limited mana pool that allows for limited casting
A pure tank, specializing in high survival and team damage mitigation. When they are commanders, knights can often reduce all damage taken by the team
Versatile class with specialized damage and control spells. The role of the mage varies depending on the element and skills. Overall, Mages are focused on quickly dealing with threats and recovering mana to be ready for the next big fight
Mage Knight
The Mage Knight is a spell casting tank. They have equipment to enhance their defensive capabilities and they use spells as their primary form of offense
Martial Artist
Dangerous front-line fighters that have high dodge and counter-attack reflex skills, allowing them to squeeze victories out of near defeat scenarios
The Ninja is the fastest attack class, focused on sustained damage, disruption and double strikes. Ninjas tend to have low spike-damage, but can quickly dispatch minions on the way to a boss
Shadow Knight
Spike-damage focused brutes. They drain the life and power from enemies to support their melee capabilities
Melee fighters enhanced by magical powers. They aren't the fastest attackers but they are able to mix magic with melee attacks to great effect
Treasure Hunter
Expert explorers that can manipulate the environment, they quickly traverse levels and reveal terrain. They can be used to create huge risk taker combos when enemies are present. Useful for locking the room to their element which allows for powerful combos with allies
More offensive and AoE focused than standard Mages, they also have light armor to help survive a few more hits
The quintessential front-line fighter. Skilled at damage mitigation, attacking and survival. They aren't flashy but can always get the job done