Kain is a very rare fire Spirit Warrior, the only one currently available. He can be earned by gathering 100 shards from level 13-9.
Blazing palm always eviscerates and splashes 50% to adjacent enemies and heals allies with his passive Heat Capacitor.
When his commander skill is active, every eviscerate will increase his stats until death which lets you bulk him up on the way to a boss fight
Special - Blazing Palm
115% to _target and splash 50% of damage dealt to nearby _targets. Always eviscerates
35 mana cost
5 turn cooldown
Passive - Heat Capacitor
Heals fire teammates for 35% of damage dealt
Commander - Rising Power
Successful eviscerates increase hero's max HP by 15% and attack damage by 15% for the remainder of the level. Bonuses are lost on death