Arctic Wolf is a very rare water ninja who can be earned by gathering 100 shards from level 18-6.
His special Freeze Bomb is an AoE stun which can be a lifesaver against boss rounds which begin with a 0 or 1 turn cooldown, giving you an advantage to further disable or eliminate enemies. It has a substantial mana cost so he's worth using mana elixers on if you use him.
His chain kill allows him to keep on dispatching minions that pop up throughout the level and his commander skill can add additional AoE stuns whenever allies kill an enemy
Special - Freeze Bomb
12% attack to all enemies and stun for 2 turns. Does not end the turn
53 mana cost
2 turn cooldown
Passive - Chain Kill
Basic attack kills do not trigger cooldowns
Commander - Cold Glare
[Team] Killing an enemy stuns other enemies for up to 2 turns. 6 turn cooldown