The British Journal of General Practice is an international journal publishing research, editorials, debate and analysis, and clinical guidance for family practitioners and primary care researchers worldwide.
Readership and impact
The journal is sent to over 50,000 clinicians and researchers each month. The BJGP's impact factor for 2023 is 5.3, and it is the leading journal in primary care research worldwide. The BJGP's 5-year impact factor for 2023 is 6.0 with an immediacy index of 1.5. The BJGP's Eigenfactor score is 0.01053 (normalised 2.30207), Article Influence score is 2.237 and the Journal Citation Indicator is 2.28.
BJGP began in 1953 as the ‘College of General Practitioners’ Research Newsletter’, with the ‘Journal of the College of General Practitioners’ first appearing in 1960. Following the change in status of the College, the ‘Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners’ was launched in 1967. Three editors later, in 1990, the title was changed to the ‘British Journal of General Practice’. The journal is commonly referred to as the 'BJGP', and is an editorially-independent publication of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Peer review to publication
Each month the BJGP publishes eight to ten research articles in addition to editorials, letters, discussion, and analysis articles. Research articles are carefully peer reviewed using an open peer review system.
We operate a paper-short/web-long publication strategy. Once accepted, full articles are posted online as fully citeable publications as soon as possible. A 1-page summary of the article, based on the abstract, is published in the print journal. The online BJGP is visited by 200,000 unique users each month and 100,000 articles are downloaded over the same period.
Editorial team
Euan Lawson, FRCGP
Deputy Editor
Andrew Papanikitas, FRCGP
Associate Editors
Nada Khan
Sam Merriel
Thomas Round
Head of Publishing
Catharine Hull
Production Manager
Christopher Clough
Managing Editor
Amanda May-Jones
Production Editors
Tony Nixon
Thomas Bransby
Jennifer Morris
Multimedia Editor
Erika Niesner
Digital & Design Editor
Simone Jemmott
Editorial Assistant
Margaret Searle
Editorial Administrator
Mona Lindsay
Editorial board
BJGP is supported by an Editorial Board of about 20 researchers and clinicians.
BJGP is published by Royal College of General Practitioners, a registered charity, regulated by the Charity Commission. Its charitable objective is: "To encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards in general medical practice". BJGP is editorially independent of RCGP and, in addition to society support, receives revenue including individual and institutional subscriptions, advertising, rights and royalties, and open access publication fees.
BJGP is a Member of the Committee on Publication Ethics, subscribes to the principles and guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and participates in HINARI: the World Health Organization’s Access to Research in Health Programme. The full BJGP archive is available on this site, is preserved in Portico, and can also be viewed at PubMed Central.
ISSN 0960-1643 (Print), ISSN 1478-5242 (Online)
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Contact BJGP
BJGP Journal Office
Royal College of General Practitioners
30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB
Tel: +44 (0)20 3188 7679 / Fax: 020 3188 7401