videos — Jan 2014

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Jan 20, 2014
Glenn Loury & Harold Pollack
The Glenn Show
On The Glenn Show: What does Martin Luther King, Jr. Day mean 45 years after King’s death? Glenn and Harold note King’s radicalism—and the resistance he faced—in the late ’60s. Harold says MLK’s view of political power holds lessons for today’s progressives. What would have happened if King had not been assassinated at the age of 39? Turning to current politics, Glenn and Harold debate the GOP’s campaign to pass voter ID laws. Harold laments that progressives are often bored by the levers of conventional political power, and offers King as a counterexample.
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Jan 18, 2014
Sarah Posner & Anthea Butler
The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Anthea about Pope Francis’s new appointment of cardinals. Anthea argues that by appointing no Americans, Francis was working toward parity, and breaking an Italian “cabal.” Has the media created a “fantasy pope?” While Francis is like the new CEO of a company, there are some ways in which business at the Vatican proceeds as usual. Why did Francis appoint so many cardinals from the developing world? Plus: How the US Conference of Catholic Bishops acts like evangelicals.
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Jan 17, 2014
Bill Scher & Matt K. Lewis
On The DMZ: How the Super Bowl could affect Chris Christie’s fortunes. What happens to the 2016 field if Christie is toast? Matt and Bill discuss why political tribalism is often rational—and how that fact exposes Christie’s weakness. Bill argues that Obama has shown the value of combining virtue and toughness. Matt warns young political operatives against the seductive pull of the dark side. Plus: Has Obama taken advice from Patrick Swayze in Road House?
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Jan 16, 2014
Jillian C. York & Mary Anne Franks
On Interrobang‽, Jillian and Mary Anne discuss Amanda Hess’s recent piece on online harassment of women. Jillian expresses concern about the free speech implications of some anti-harassment legislation. Should social networks such as Facebook and Twitter take it upon themselves to regulate speech? Are there risks to criminalizing revenge porn? Are anti-harassment vigilantes like Anonymous helping anything? They conclude with an optimistic assessment of how the conversation about online harassment is changing.
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Jan 15, 2014
Kevin Glass & Robert VerBruggen
Rational Actors
On Rational Actors, Kevin and Robert discuss the conservative struggle to come up with an effective anti-poverty agenda. Can Marco Rubio’s new policy proposal fill the void? They critique the progressive view of the causes of poverty. Is marriage the best anti-poverty program, or is there a chicken-and-egg problem here? How does abortion figure into the poverty debate? Finally: Will conservatives be serious about poverty in the future?
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Jan 14, 2014
Michael Brendan Dougherty & Travis Waldron
The Score
On The Score, Travis says he would vote Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire into baseball’s Hall of Fame, while Michael explains why Cooperstown is still important to him. Why did Frank Thomas get elected while Mike Piazza did not? Travis is sick of the annual Hall of Fame/steroids debate, and Michael makes the case for the Hall as a brick-and-mortar institution. Turning to baseball’s latest scandal, Michael and Travis explore whether justice has been done in the Alex Rodriguez case. Plus: What role does the baseball players union want to play in all this?
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Jan 13, 2014
Sarah Posner & Katie Engelhart
The Posner Show
On The Posner Show, Sarah talks with Katie about the successes and challenges of the Sunday Assembly, the “atheist megachurch.” How did the Sunday Assembly spread from East London to forty cities around the world? What caused a split between the Sunday Assembly and a group in New York, which complained about prohibitions on talking about atheism? They discuss why atheist church is appealing—or not—to atheists. Katie says when you create a new church, schisms are inevitable. What is the role of charismatic leaders in keeping churches afloat? Finally: What does the future hold for atheist churches?
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Jan 12, 2014
Matthew Duss & Yousef Munayyer
Foreign Entanglements
On Foreign Entanglements, Matt and Yousef discuss John Kerry‘s ongoing attempts to restart the Middle East peace process. Why is recognition of Israel as a Jewish state such a sticking point? Is it fair of Israel to hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for inciting violence? Why is the US giving so much more attention to Israel’s security needs compared to Palestine’s? And what is Abbas’s best strategic option going forward? Matt wonders whether the Palestinians can realistically expect anything better than a semi-occupied state.
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