Figure 1 shows the estimated hazard ratios from the randomised controlled trials against the hazard ratios estimated with the pooled real world evidence studies (with 95% confidence intervals). Estimates from perfectly emulated trials would scatter around the diagonal line. Although more than half of the pooled estimates from the real world evidence studies tended to be smaller than the estimates for the randomised controlled trials, many were also larger. This finding is different from the results seen in the large scale replication projects where the effect size estimated in the replication study was generally smaller than in the original study, which might be attributable to publication bias or other questionable research practices, unlikely operating in this study.33 This phenomenon is referred to as shrinkage of effect size.34 Also, an overall test of heterogeneity suggested strong evidence of variation between all study pairs in RCT-DUPLICATE (online supplemental figure C.1).
Figure 1Hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) estimated in randomised controlled trials and real world evidence studies (pooled for all data sources). Diagonal line represents perfect emulation; all trials with points on the right side of the diagonal have an effect size estimated in the randomised controlled trial (RCT) that is larger than the effect size estimated in the pooled real world evidence study (RWE)
To better understand the variability in results in RCT-DUPLICATE, variation was quantified and its sources were investigated. Figure 2 represents the differences in log hazard ratio for each study pair depending on whether the study was closely emulated or not closely emulated. Trials categorised as not closely emulated based on the indicator tended towards positive differences. The average difference in log hazard ratio over all included trials was estimated to be slightly negative (−0.015, 95% confidence interval −0.084 to 0.054), suggesting that, on average, the hazard ratio estimated with the real world data was larger than in the randomised controlled trial.
Table 2 shows the estimated multiplicative heterogeneity comparing the pooled real world evidence studies with the randomised controlled trials, together with the model intercept and coefficient values (with 95% confidence intervals). The simple model refers to the weighted regression with only a constant whereas the second model is a meta-regression adjusted for the binary characteristic, close emulation. Including close emulation in the weighted linear regression model reduced heterogeneity from 1.905 to 1.725, indicating that part of the observed variation between estimates in RCT-RWE study pairs can be attributed to the composite covariate. Although the intercept of the simple model was close to zero, the intercept of the adjusted model (difference in log hazard ratio for trials that were not closely emulated) tended to be positive. Closely emulated trials had, on average, slightly negative differences (figure 3).
Figure 2Difference in effect estimates (log hazard ratio with 95% confidence interval) between the randomised controlled trials and pooled real world evidence studies, depending on whether the study was closely emulated or not closely emulated. Horizontal line represents no difference between real world evidence and randomised controlled trial estimates (upplementary table E.2 shows more information on each study)
Model intercept and coefficient values (with 95% confidence intervals), and heterogeneity between real world evidence studies and randomised controlled trials, depending on model used. Heterogeneity close to 1 represents homogeneous effect size differences between study pairs
Figure 3Bubble plots showing associations of the log hazard ratio between the randomised controlled trial and pooled real world evidence with (top graph) whether study pairs were closely emulated (yes or no), and with (bottom graph) possible combinations of three binary characteristics (treatment started in hospital, discontinuation of maintenance treatment without washout, and delayed onset of effects of drugs). The larger the bubble, the more precise the estimate or trial. Horizontal jitter has been applied on the bubbles to enhance visibility. 95% prediction intervals are compiled by the meta-regression, including the binary composite covariate
We explored the use of a set of explanatory characteristics instead of the composite covariate, close emulation. Table 3 shows the univariate coefficients, respective model intercept, and residual heterogeneity. Some of the characteristics reduced heterogeneity more than others; for example, adding the characteristic, discontinuation of maintenance treatment without washout, gave the largest decrease in heterogeneity, from 1.905 to 1.260. The intercept in table 3 can be interpreted as the difference in log hazard ratio for the respective reference category of the binary characteristics or no difference in the distribution for the two continuous characteristics, age and percentage of women. Then all possible candidate models (210=1024), depending on which of the 10 characteristics are included, were fitted and the models' leave-one-out mean squared errors were computed. The final model was the simplest model with leave-one-out mean squared errors smaller than the minimum mean squared errors plus one standard error (online supplemental figure D.2). With this tuning parameter, three characteristics would be included. Table 4 shows the coefficient estimates of the models with the best performance for each number of included characteristics. The models summarised in table 4 resulted in the model performance and heterogeneity illustrated in online supplemental figure D.2.
Univariate coefficients (with 95% confidence intervals) for each candidate characteristic, ordered by increasing heterogeneity. For each row (each characteristic) a separate model was fitted, resulting in separate intercept and residual heterogeneity. The closer residual heterogeneity is to 1, the more the characteristic explains part of the variations. Residual heterogeneity and R2 values were added to further explain the proportion of variation for each covariate
Model selection. Coefficient estimates for the best model with respect to leave-one-out mean squared errors for each number of characteristics included
The best model with three design emulation differences includes delayed onset of effect of drugs, discontinuation of maintenance treatment without washout, and treatment started in hospital. This model's residual heterogeneity was 1.003. Figure 3 shows the association between the combination of these finally selected characteristics and outcome (difference in log hazard ratio). Only the prediction intervals for the combinations with observations are displayed; for example, none of the trials in RCT-DUPLICATE had more than one of the three emulation differences set to yes. The three included characteristics were mutually exclusive and together were better in reducing observed heterogeneity than close emulation. Hence the remaining characteristics only added noise to the indicator for close emulation, or cancelled each other out.