Predefinição:Relatórios/Arquivo This is the report of the Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil regarding to the activities developed between January ― December 2015.

Edit-a-thon: Museu do Amanhã

Este evento foi realizado na cidade de Rio de Janeiro, em January 23rd

This edit-a-thon was a partnership with the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), the newest museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro to be inaugurated in the next months. The main subject was the "Anthropocene" and it gathered members of the museum team, enthusiasts and the volunteers of the User Group Vinicius Siqueira and Fábio Barros. Other reports inclued this one.


Campus Party 2015

Este evento foi realizado na cidade de São Paulo, em February 5th and 6th

Beginning in 2015, the User Group, via Célio Costa Filho and João Peschanski, presented at Campus Party the experience on using Wikimedia projects inside the class. Moreover, it was set a table during the event where people could learn about Wikimedia Commons and how to upload pictures. Campus Party is one of the major events about technology in the world and count with thousands of attendees daily. Other three members were also present there: Vinicius Siqueira, Vitor Mazuco, Victor Lopes. Other reports inclued this one.

National Event

Wiki Aula

Este evento foi realizado online, em January - Nowadays

Beginning in 2015, the WUG Brasil launched a partnership with AREDE, a portal of technology and education that will publish monthly original articles written by WUG Brasil about using Wikimedia projects in the class. The articles can be acessed on: Pieces inclued article 01, article 02, article 04, article 05 and so on...


Edit-a-thon on Brain Science

Este evento foi realizado USP, São Paulo, em 5 - 7 May

Organization of an edit-a-thon on brain science, in the context of the First Workshop of NeuroMat's Young Researchers, in collaboration with the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics, at the University of São Paulo. A brief description was made available here. A short movie was produced by the University of São Paulo communication crew (in Portuguese), here. The User Group was present with Sturm, Moretti and Joalpe.


Educational Program

Este evento foi realizado Faculdade Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, em First semester

A project on classical Brazilian movies was produced with undergraduate students within a course on Political Science and Multimedia. Details available here. The User Group was present with Joalpe. A project on social entrepreneurship was produced with undergraduate students within a course on Sociology and Communication. Details available here. The User Group was present with Joalpe and Sturm.

Educational Program
innovation 1
Project 4