Ur yezh na-dene eus skourr yezhoù atabaskek ar su eo ar c'hikarilhek (diwar-ar spagnoleg: jicarilla, anv c'hikarilhek: abáachii miizaa) komzet gant ur bobl apachek e Mec'hiko Nevez (Stadoù Unanet).

(abáachii miizaa)
En arvar
Komzet e : Stadoù-Unanet Amerika
Rannved : Amerika
Komzet gant : 680 (2000)
Renkadur : Goude 100
Familh-yezh : Yezhoù na-dene
Statud ofisiel
Yezh ofisiel e : -
Akademiezh : -
Kodoù ar yezh
ISO 639-1 -
ISO 639-2
ISO 639-3 apj
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  • Goddard, Pliny E. (1911). Jicarilla Apache texts. Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History (Vol. 8). New York: The American Museum of Natural History.
  • Opler, Morris. (1941). A Jicarilla expedition and scalp dance. (Narrated by Alasco Tisnado).
  • Opler, Morris. (1942). Myths and tales of the Jicarilla Apache Indians.
  • Opler, Morris. (1947). Mythology and folk belief in the maintenance of Jicarilla Apache tribal endogamy.
  • Phone, Wilma; & Torivio, Patricia. (1981). Jicarilla mizaa medaóołkai dáłáéé. Albuquerque: Native American Materials Development Center.
  • Phone, Wilhelmina; Olson, Maureen; & Martinez, Matilda. (2007). Dictionary of Jicarilla Apache: Abáachi Mizaa Iłkee' Siijai. Axelrod, Melissa; Gómez de García, Jule; Lachler, Jordan; & Burke, Sean M. (Eds.). UNM Press. ISBN 0826340784
  • Tuttle, Siri G.; & Sandoval, Merton. (2002). Jicarilla Apache. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 32, 105-112.
  • Wilson, Alan, & Vigil Martine, Rita. (1996). Apache (Jicarilla). Guilford, CT: Audio-Forum. ISBN 0-88432-903-8. (Includes book and cassette recording).
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