Viquipèdia:Versió 2001/Alemany

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This is the new German language wikipedia. I obviously need to translate all of the error messages, page text, etc

Advice solicited! Just write here on the homepage for a couple of days, and then we'll get started next week.

I do not speak German. Larry Sanger speaks some. So only English speaking people (who also speak German) are likely to be able to effectively communicate with me.

Should the domain name be 'deutsch' or 'deutsche'???

Übersetzung: Dies ist der/die/das neue deutschsprachige Wikipedia. Ich muss offensichtlich Fehlermeldungen, den Text der Seite, etc. übersetzen.

Ratschläge/Hilfe? erwünscht! Schreibt einige Tage einfach hier auf die Homepage, und wir werden dann nächste Woche anfangen.

Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Larry Sanger spricht etwas. Dadurch werden nur englischsprachige Leute (die auch Deutsch sprechen), in der Lage sein, mit mir zu kommunizieren.

Soll der Domain-Name 'deutsch' oder 'deutsche' sein ???

Well, is wikipedia masculine or feminine?

Ah, I do not know. Suppose one wanted to say, in German, "I have here a copy of the German language edition of Britannica Encyclopedia!" That's probably the version we should use.

A quick look up says that Encyclopedia is feminine: die Enzyklopädie. So as long as you don't want to call it, you've done the right thing. In fact the roots are also feminine in Greek and Latin, so I would guess that it would be feminine in virtually all languages (and if not, well, it's our word :).

Ahhhh, Wikipedia, she is a woman! I love to ravish her!

I think is definitely in order. -- [Larry Sanger]?

its more a "thing" I would suppose. "das deutsche wikipedia" sounds strange though. I dunno.

Grammatical genders have very little to do with actual genders. It would be die deutsche enzyklopädie, so why not die deutshce wikipedia?

Most websites use two-letter abbreviations to avoid this kind of trouble, like I think this is preferable for Wikipedia, because whichever gender you choose, it will always sound silly, because Wikipedia is no German word. Most German nouns ending with a are feminine, but nevertheless "die deutsche Wikipedia" is silly. If you want to "Germanize" the expression, you should bear in mind that -pedia (as in encyclopedia) would be -pädie in German (as in Enzyklopädie), but "die deutsche Wikipädie" is an expression not even the most tasteless marketing folks would dare to use. The only alternative that doesn't sound strange in German would be "Die deutsche Wiki-Enzyklopädie" (Wiki-Encyclopedia), but that doesn't help when it comes to the site name, so by using, you avoid all kinds of grammatical trouble and can still think about a funky long version of the project's name -SoniC?

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Last edited March 30, 2001 3:16 pm (diff)

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