"Santas & Surprises" (originally titled "Santas & Secrets") is the third and final Christmas episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Austin & Ally, originally aired as part of the channel's annual "Fa-la-la-lidays" programming event on December 6, 2015. It is the tenth episode of the show's fourth season in production order, but was aired as the season's eighteenth episode.
Austin and Ally set out to get the father of one of the A&A Music Factory's students home for Christmas. Trish, Dez, and Herman work as Santa's elves. Dez becomes Head Elf and becomes too much of a tyrannical one in the process.
- "Perfect Christmas" by Ross Lynch and Laura Marano
Actor | Character |
Ross Lynch | Austin Moon |
Laura Marano | Ally Dawson |
Raini Rodriguez | Trish De La Rosa |
Calum Worthy | Dez |
Mimi Kirkland | Lili |
Mar Mar | Herman |
Jim O'Heir | Santa Claus |
Izzy Diaz | Dr. Salt |
Edward Zoellner (uncredited) | Lily's Father |
See also
External links
"Santas & Surprises" at the Internet Movie Database