"The Prisoner's Prisoner" is the Christmas-themed episode of the CBS sitcom Hogan's Heroes, produced and aired as the sixth episode of its first season.
Hogan and his men try to complete the mission of a captured British commando unit by blowing up a crucial German ammunitions dump. He then finds out the location of a planned attack from a German general.
Actor/actress | Character |
Bob Crane | Col. Hogan |
Werner Klemperer | Col. Klink |
John Banner | Sgt. Schultz |
Robert Clary | LeBeau |
Richard Dawson | Newkirk |
Ivan Dixon | Kinchloe |
Larry Hovis | Carter |
Roger C. Carmel | Gen. Schmidt |
John Orchard | Sgt. Walters |
Inge Jaklin | Fraulein |
External links
"The Prisoner's Prisoner" at the Internet Movie Database
content from Wikipedia (view authors). |