"Xmas Story" is the first Christmas-themed episode of the animated science-fiction series Futurama, produced as the fourth episode of its second production season and aired as the eighth episode of its second broadcast season (due to the first season's last four episodes being held over until the fall of 1999).
While on a ski trip, Fry begins to feel nostalgic for 20th century Christmases. To cheer him up, the rest of the Planet Express staff decide to decorate for Xmas (as Christmas is now called; pronounced "eks-mas"), which includes cutting down an Xmas tree (which are now palm trees, because pine trees are now extinct).
Fry decides to venture into the city to buy Leela a present, although she hadn't felt happy about Xmas when she was an orphan. The others warn him to be back before sundown, or else he will be killed by a murderous robotic Santa Claus. In the year 2801, Mom's Friendly Robot Company had made up a robotic version of St. Nick himself to determine who's been naughty and who's been nice. Unfortunately, due to a programming error, the jolly robotic elf soon turned into a mad murderer when his standards are set too high and he will kill anyone who has been naughty at sundown. Meanwhile, Bender befriends several homeless robots and goes on a robbery spree.
Fry buys Leela a parrot, which escapes. Leela heads out to rescue Fry before Santa Claus arrives. After pursuing the parrot to the top of a tall building, he is saved from plunging to his death by Leela. Unfortunately, Fry's safety for Leela is short-lived, as sundown finally comes and the robotic Santa Claus makes his appearance and attacks the two friends.
Fry and Leela take refuge in the Planet Express building after being saved by Bender and his homeless robot friends, but Santa breaks in through the chimney. Thanks to some quick thinking by Dr. Zoidberg (the only person in the world who is never judged as being naughty), Santa is forced back into the chimney, where an explosion sends him and his mechanical reindeer tumbling into the stratosphere. Everybody celebrates by singing "Santa Claus is Gunning You Down".
In the credits, Robot Santa vows that he'll be back when no one expects it - next Xmas!
Title | Performed by | Credits |
Christopher Tyng | ||
"O Xmas Tree" | John DiMaggio | David X. Cohen (parody lyrics) |
John DiMaggio David Herman Phil LaMarr Tress MacNeille | |
"Santa Claus is Gunning You Down" | Lauren Tom Billy West Katey Sagal Phil LaMarr John DiMaggio |
David X. Cohen (writer) Christopher Tyng (arranger) |
The episode was made available on the Futurama: Season Two DVD set, released on August 12, 2003.
- The children skating on the frozen pond (right before Bender crashes through the ice) is a reference to the opening scene from A Charlie Brown Christmas.
- Bongo, the one-eared rabbit from Matt Groening's comic strip Life in Hell appears as one of the animals in the pet shop.
- The gift exchange of combs is a reference to The Gift of the Magi.
Voice cast
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Billy West | Philip J. Fry Professor Hubert Farnsworth Dr. Zoidberg Conan O'Brien's announcer Tree voice |
Katey Sagal | Turanga Leela |
John DiMaggio | Bender Rodriguez Man with broken leg |
Phil LaMarr | Hermes Conrad Revered Preacherbot Homeless robot #2 |
Tress MacNeille | Linda Tinny Tim Crowd |
Maurice LaMarche | Morbo Inglis Raoul |
David Herman | Skier Weapons shop clerk Pet shop clerk Homeless robot #1 |
Lauren Tom | Amy Wong |
Frank Welker (uncredited) | Nibbler Parrot |
John Goodman | Robot Santa |
Conan O'Brien | Himself |
See also
External links
- "Xmas Story" at the Infosphere
"Xmas Story" at the Internet Movie Database
"Xmas Story" at the Big Cartoon DataBase
"Xmas Story" recap at TV Tropes