C++ = C + oop - vulnerability
how come - vul.?
@jratcliff python set is implemented as a hashset finding element takes O(1)
alias.lg=log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit
alias.com=commit -am
@depl0y yeah, but that was happening from the begining
to avoid file:/// use python -m SimpleHTTPServer
or faster node alternative
npm install http-server -g
http-server -p 8000
for a new project grunt is a good idea
@howtoplaysoccer You can do whatever you want with the code.
There are plenty ways to add share button. First register a facebook app to get the token.
@howtoplaysoccer There is a github link at the bottom
There are dozens ways! you can just open it in Notepad++ and change encoding in menu or you can google how to do it :)
Nice, but I prefer to copy json to chrome console
It is more idiomatic, but it's nlog(n)
@rockmathew Form W-8BEN, Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding
to get paid
A non-United States–based developer is one who, for federal tax purposes, isn’t considered a United States Person as described in the definition earlier in this topic. You will be paid only after Microsoft receives and processes the appropriate W-8 form, which is usually the W-8BEN form.
First one is O(n) with O(n) memory. You iterate the collection once and store words in Map.
Second one is O(nlgn), because you sort the collection.