Study Participant Platform (SPP)

The Vienna CogSciHub: Study Participant Platform (SPP) is a match-making service bringing together a diverse range of participants and researchers conducting cognitive science experiments. It provides sophisticated research management, for both the researcher and the participant. 

Für Versuchspersonen

Wie kann ich teilnehmen?

Erstelle einfach einen Account unter!

Nach der Anmeldung informieren wir Dich regelmäßig über Teilnahmemöglichkeiten an unseren Studien.

Warum sollte ich teilnehmen?

Du ermöglichst Grundlagenforschung in der Kognitionswissenschaft.
Deine Vielfältigkeit macht unsere Forschung aussagekräftig.


Dein Mitwirken wird durch Geld oder durch andere Leistungen vergolten.

Wer kann teilnehmen?

Alle können mitmachen!
In manchen Projekten müssen vor dem Experiment einige Fragen geklärt werden.

For Participants

How can I participate?

Simply create an account at!

After registration we will inform you regularly about opportunities to participate in our studies.

Why should I participate?

With your participation, you enable basic research in the cognitive sciences. Your diversity makes our research meaningful.


Your contribution will be rewarded with money or other benefits.

Who can participate?

Everyone can take part!
In some projects, a few questions need to be clarified before the experiment.

For Researchers

Why should I participate?

Providing a diverse and ever-growing pool of subjects increases the representativeness of samples and makes it easier to reach specific _target groups for experiments. In addition, the recruitment process is traceable and centralized, and subject management (communication, documentation, etc.) is simplified.

Who can participate?

Any network member of the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub can register a study. We require approval by an ethics committee and payment to the participants.

In order to register a study, please fill in the study registration form below. If your study is conducted in German, you can fill out the form in German as well. If you have further questions, please contact our lab manager directly ( or read the guidelines that you can also download below.

What are experiments like in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience?

The fields of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience offer a wide range of research approaches and a variety of well-designed experiments. These range from behavioral studies, where tasks are performed on a computer screen, to fMRI or EEG studies, where brain activity is measured using non-invasive techniques. Other experiments take participants out onto the streets of Vienna or into a museum, where behavior is tracked using mobile eye-tracking devices and other physiological data may be recorded. In addition, some experiments use pharmaceutical interventions.

Study Registration Form for Researchers

Required fields are marked with a red square
Subformular StudyRegistration_SPP
This field is required
This field is required: Full name and title
This field is required
This field is required: E-mail address
This field is required
This field is required: Study Email (communication with participants, address required, a "service e-mail address" is suggested.)
This field is required
This field is required: Name of responsible PI
This field is required
This field is required: Name of the study (In communication with participants)
This field is required
This field is required: Please shortly describe the experimental procedure
This field is required
This field is required: Which language will the study be conducted in?
This field is required
This field is required: When would you like to start testing? (Allow for some lead time)
This field is required
This field is required: How many participants will you need in total?
This field is required
This field is required: How many participants will you be testing per session?
This field is required
This field is required: Does your study include multiple sessions?
This field is required
This field is required: Please indicate the exact location where your experiment will take place and provide a short but precise description which will be used to guide participants to your lab.
This field is required
This field is required: Amount of compensation
By using this service, I agree to acknowledge the use of the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub: Study Participant Platform and to cite the hroot software, which is used for the SPP for resulting publications (an example acknowledgement is provided below).
This field is required
This field is required: By using this service, I agree to acknowledge the use of the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub: Study Participant Platform and to cite the hroot software, which is used for the SPP for resulting publications (an example acknowledgement is provided below).
By using this service, I confirm that the study has been approved by an ethics committee.
This field is required
This field is required: By using this service, I confirm that the study has been approved by an ethics committee.
This field is required
This field is required: Captcha


Please acknowledge your use of the Vienna CogSciHub: Study Participant Platform and cite Bock et. al. 2014 in all publications resulting from recruitment through the Vienna CogSciHub: Study Participant Platform.

Example citation:

Participants for this experiment were (partially) recruited using the Vienna CogSciHub: Study Participant Platform which uses the hroot software (Bock et. al. 2014).

BibTeX entry:

author = {Olaf Bock and Ingmar Baetge and Andreas Nicklisch},
title = {hroot: Hamburg Registration and Organization Online Tool},
doi = {10.1016/j.euroecorev.2014.07.003},
url = {},
year = {2014},
volume = {71},
pages = {117--120},
journal = {European Economic Review}



  • How do I know someone signed up for a Session? Can I receive notifications?

    At the moment, you have to check the Sessions page or the Calendar page on after logging in.

    We are working on implementing a feature that will allow you to receive notifications once someone signs up for a session!

  • How can I block certain sessions?

    The easiest way to block a session is to set the number of required participants to 0.

    This way, it is not possible to sign up to the session anymore.

  • I have more questions, who can I contact?

    Please write to: