
My Posts(6)

10 Movie Trilogies That Are Perfect From Start to Finish

When the 2nd movie is by far better than the bookends put together, then the trilogy isn't perfect.

Post by Carl
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'Yellowstone' Just Crossed a Line With Its Latest Episode


Carl replied to CLMember,
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The 13 Most Misquoted Movie Lines of All Time, Ranked

Wrong. Its "Shall we play a game?"

Carl replied to Jeff,
2Upvoted 0Replies
The 13 Most Misquoted Movie Lines of All Time, Ranked

There was some fiction in it. Like the retrofitting of the air scrubbers on the fly. NASA had already come up with that contingency plan long before Apollo 13.

Carl replied to Ben,
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The 10 Best Easter Eggs in the Harry Potter Movies, Ranked

How bout show pictures of the Easter eggs. Pitiful reporting

Post by Carl
0Upvoted 1Replies
15 Sci-Fi Shows That Have Aged Poorly

"Im gonna take some of the best sci-fi shows ever and trash them" - fixed the title for you.

Post by Carl
4Upvoted 0Replies

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