prefecture-level city in Jiangsu, China
Main category: Wuxi
English: Wuxi (無錫) is a city located in the south of Jiangsu Province, China, half way between the cities of Shanghai and Nanjing. Wuxi is the birthplace of China's national industry and commerce, renowed as the "Little Shanghai". With rich natural and cultural heritage, it is one of the top ten tourist cities in China, which granted it the name "Pearl of Tai Lake".
城市風光 Cityscape
Wuxi railway station
Sunan Shuofang International Airport
無錫新區國家軟件園 Wuxi Software Park Administration Center
景點 Attractions
Jichang Garden
靈山大佛九龍灌浴景觀 A landscape of Wuxi Lingshan: The birth of Shakya Mani
無錫特產之一的醬排骨,以無錫三鳳橋肉莊、真正老陸稿薦所製最為有名 Spareribs sauce is one of the local specialties of Wuxi
歷史照片 Historical photographs
《康熙南巡圖》第七卷無錫部分 The Chinese painting about Kangxi pay a visit to Wuxi
清光緒七年(1881年)無錫城區圖 The old map of Wuxi, 1881
1934年德國女童軍在無錫梅園歡度復活節 German girls engaged in Easter egg hunt in Wuxi Mey Blossom Garden
1935年無錫城內一景 The "water alley" in Wuxi downtown, 1935