32 statues along the Great Parterre

Deutsch: Statuen am Rand des Großen Parterres im Schlosspark von Schönbrunn. Die Anordnung der Bilder entspricht dem Blick nach Süden, vom Schloss zur Gloriette.
English: Statues of the Great Parterre at Schönbrunn gardens. Arrangement on this page is heading south from the palace to the Gloriette.

Source: https://www.schoenbrunn.at/ueber-schoenbrunn/schlosspark/rundgang/schoenbrunn-statuen/ archive copy at the Wayback Machine

left (eastern) row right (western) row
Hannibal (16)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°10′53″N 16°18′42″E / 48.181508°N 16.31164°E / 48.181508; 16.31164 (no 16 Hannibal, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Meleager (17)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°10′55″N 16°18′34″E / 48.182004°N 16.309553°E / 48.182004; 16.309553 (no 17 Meleager , 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Paris (15)

Veit Königer
48°10′54″N 16°18′41″E / 48.181684°N 16.311519°E / 48.181684; 16.311519 (no 15 Paris , 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Merkur (18)

Ignaz Platzer
48°10′56″N 16°18′35″E / 48.182084°N 16.309804°E / 48.182084; 16.309804 (no 18 Merkur, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Vestalin, in der Hand das ewige Feuer in einer Öllampe (14)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer & Leonhard Posch
48°10′55″N 16°18′42″E / 48.18195°N 16.311665°E / 48.18195; 16.311665 (no 14 Vestalin, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Priesterin mit Opferschale (19)

Josef Weinmüller
48°10′57″N 16°18′36″E / 48.182363°N 16.309953°E / 48.182363; 16.309953 (no 19 Priesterin mit Opferschale, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Hygieia (13)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°10′56″N 16°18′42″E / 48.182147°N 16.311763°E / 48.182147; 16.311763 (no 13 Hygieia, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Cumäische Sibylle (20)

Vinzenz Lang & Johann Baptist Hagenauer / design by Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°10′57″N 16°18′36″E / 48.182556°N 16.310062°E / 48.182556; 16.310062 (no 20 Sibylle, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Apoll (12)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°10′57″N 16°18′43″E / 48.182428°N 16.311915°E / 48.182428; 16.311915 (no 12 Apoll, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Äskulap (21)

Veit Königer
48°10′58″N 16°18′37″E / 48.182835°N 16.310218°E / 48.182835; 16.310218 (no 21 Äskulap, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Bacchantin (11)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°10′58″N 16°18′43″E / 48.182705°N 16.312065°E / 48.182705; 16.312065 (no 11 Bacchantin, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Zwei Priesterinnen der Ceres (22)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°10′59″N 16°18′37″E / 48.183117°N 16.310364°E / 48.183117; 16.310364 (no 22 Priesterin der Ceres 1, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Nymphe der Flora (10)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°10′58″N 16°18′44″E / 48.182904°N 16.31217°E / 48.182904; 16.31217 (no 10 Nymphe der Flora, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Zwei Priesterinnen der Ceres (23)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°11′00″N 16°18′38″E / 48.183305°N 16.310467°E / 48.183305; 16.310467 (no 22 Priesterin der Ceres 2, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Omphale (09)

Josef Weinmüller
48°11′00″N 16°18′44″E / 48.183219°N 16.31234°E / 48.183219; 16.31234 (no 09 Omphale, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Herkules (24)

Ignaz Platzer
48°11′01″N 16°18′38″E / 48.183631°N 16.310641°E / 48.183631; 16.310641 (no 24 Herkules, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Aspasia in Gestalt der Göttin Minerva (08)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′01″N 16°18′45″E / 48.183538°N 16.312513°E / 48.183538; 16.312513 (no 08 Aspasia in Gestalt der Göttin Minerva, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Perseus mit dem Haupt der Medusa (25)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′02″N 16°18′39″E / 48.183951°N 16.31081°E / 48.183951; 16.31081 (no 25 Perseus mit dem Haupt der Medusa, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Jason mit dem goldenen Vlies (07)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′01″N 16°18′45″E / 48.183739°N 16.312617°E / 48.183739; 16.312617 (no 07 Jason mit dem goldenen Vlies, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Fabius Cunctator (26)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°11′03″N 16°18′39″E / 48.184148°N 16.310918°E / 48.184148; 16.310918 (no 26 Fabius Cunctator, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Angerona (06)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′02″N 16°18′46″E / 48.183864°N 16.312687°E / 48.183864; 16.312687 (no 06 Angerona, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Flora (27)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′03″N 16°18′40″E / 48.184283°N 16.310993°E / 48.184283; 16.310993 (no 27 Flora, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Die Flucht aus Troja (05)

Philipp Jakob Prokop
48°11′03″N 16°18′46″E / 48.184183°N 16.312854°E / 48.184183; 16.312854 (no 05 Die Flucht aus Troja, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Der Raub der Helena (28)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′05″N 16°18′40″E / 48.184597°N 16.311162°E / 48.184597; 16.311162 (no 28 Der Raub der Helena, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Ceres und Bacchus (04)

Joachim Günther after Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′03″N 16°18′47″E / 48.184226°N 16.313053°E / 48.184226; 16.313053 (no 04 Ceres und Bacchus, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Janus und Bellona (29)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′05″N 16°18′40″E / 48.184704°N 16.311046°E / 48.184704; 16.311046 (no 29 Janus und Bellona, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Brutus und Lukretia (03)

Ignaz Platzer
48°11′03″N 16°18′48″E / 48.184263°N 16.313247°E / 48.184263; 16.313247 (no 03 Brutus und Lukretia, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Mars und Minerva (30)

Veit Königer
48°11′05″N 16°18′39″E / 48.184819°N 16.310927°E / 48.184819; 16.310927 (no 30 Mars und Minerva, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Kalliope, die Schönstimmige, Muse der Dichtkunst (02)

Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′03″N 16°18′49″E / 48.184199°N 16.313516°E / 48.184199; 16.313516 (no 02 Kalliope, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Amphion (31)

Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°11′06″N 16°18′38″E / 48.18488°N 16.310665°E / 48.18488; 16.310665 (no 31 Amphion, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Artemisia, um ihren Gatten trauernd (01)

Jakob Schletterer & Johann Baptist Hagenauer
48°11′03″N 16°18′49″E / 48.184169°N 16.313642°E / 48.184169; 16.313642 (no 01 Artemisia, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

Mucius Scaevola (32)

Johann Martin Fischer after Christian Willhelm Beyer
48°11′06″N 16°18′38″E / 48.184911°N 16.310537°E / 48.184911; 16.310537 (no 32 Mucius Scaevola, 32 statues along the Great Parterre)

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