Birds of New Zealand
Index of all birds liable to be found in the wild in New Zealand, based on w:List_of_New_Zealand_birds.
edit- (category), Dinornithidae
- (category), Anomalopteryx didiformis: Little Bush Moa (extinct)
- (category), Megalapteryx didinus: Upland Moa (extinct)
- (category), Pachyornis elephantopus: Heavy-footed Moa (extinct)
- (category), Pachyornis australis: Crested Moa (extinct)
- (category), Pachyornis mappini: Mappin's Moa (extinct)
- (category), Emeus crassus: Eastern Moa (extinct)
- (category), Euryapteryx geranoides: Stout-legged Moa (extinct)
- (category), Euryapteryx curtus: Coastal Moa (extinct)
- (category), Dinornis struthoides: Slender Bush Moa (extinct)
- (category), Dinornis novaezealandiae: Large Bush Moa (extinct)
- (category), Dinornis giganteus: Giant Moa (extinct)
- (category), Dinornis maximus: Giant Moa (extinct)
- (category), Apterygidae
- (category), Apteryx mantelli: North Island Brown Kiwi
- (category), Apteryx rowi: Rowi or Okarito Brown Kiwi
- (category), Apteryx australis: Tokoeka
- (category), Apteryx australis australis: Southern Tokoeka
- (category), Apteryx australis lawryi: Haast Tokoeka
- (category), Apteryx haastii: Roa or Great Spotted Kiwi
- (category), Apteryx owenii: Kiwi-pukupuku or Little Spotted Kiwi
edit- (category), Spheniscidae
- (category), Eudyptes chrysocome: Rockhopper Penguin
- (category), Eudyptes pachyrhynchus: Tawaki or Fiordland Penguin
- (category), Eudyptes robustus: Snares Penguin
- (category), Eudyptes sclateri: Erect-crested Penguin
- (category), Megadyptes antipodes: Hoiho or Yellow-eyed Penguin
- (category), Eudyptula minor: Korora or Blue Penguin
- (category), Eudyptula minor albosignata: White-flippered Penguin
edit- (category), Procellariidae
- (category), Macronectes giganteus: Antarctic Giant Petrel (vulnerable)
- (category), Macronectes halli: Hall's Giant Petrel (near-threatened)
- (category), Fulmarus glacialoides: Southern Fulmar
- (category), Daption capense: Cape Petrel
- (category), Pterodroma macroptera: Great-winged Petrel
- (category), Pterodroma lessonii: White-headed Petrel
- (category), Pterodroma inexpectata: Mottled Petrel (near-threatened)
- (category), Pterodroma magentae: Taiko or Magenta Petrel (breeding endemic) (critically endangered)
- (category), Pterodroma mollis: Soft-plumaged Petrel
- (category), Pterodroma cookii: Cook's Petrel (breeding endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Pterodroma nigripennis: Black-winged Petrel
- (category), Pterodroma axillaris: Chatham Petrel (breeding endemic) (critically endangered)
- (category), Pterodroma pycrofti: Pycroft's Petrel (breeding endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Oceanites Māorianus: New Zealand Storm Petrel (recently rediscovered)
- (category), Halobaena caerulea: Blue Petrel
- (category), Pachyptila vittata: Broad-billed Prion
- (category), Pachyptila salvini: Salvin's Prion
- (category), Pachyptila desolata: Antarctic Prion
- (category), Pachyptila belcheri: Slender-billed Prion
- (category), Pachyptila crassirostris: Fulmar Prion
- (category), Pachyptila turtur: Fairy Prion
- (category), Procellaria cinerea: Gray Petrel (near-threatened)
- (category), Procellaria aequinoctialis: White-chinned Petrel
- (category), Procellaria parkinsoni: Parkinson's Petrel (breeding endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Procellaria westlandica: Westland Petrel (breeding endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Aphrodroma brevirostris: Kerguelen Petrel
- (category), Puffinus carneipes: Flesh-footed Shearwater
- (category), Puffinus bulleri: Buller's Shearwater (breeding endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Puffinus griseus: Titi or Muttonbird or Sooty Shearwater
- (category), Puffinus tenuirostris: Short-tailed Shearwater
- (category), Puffinus huttoni: Hutton's Shearwater (breeding endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Puffinus gavia: Fluttering Shearwater
- (category), Puffinus assimilis: Little Shearwater
- (category), Toroa or Albatross
- (category), Diomedea exulans: Wandering Albatross
- (category), Diomedea epomophora: Royal Albatross
- (category), Diomedea nigripes: Black-footed Albatross
- (category), Thalassarche chrysostoma: Grey-headed Albatross (vulnerable)
- (category), Thalassarche melanophris: Black-browed Albatross
- (category), Thalassarche bulleri: Buller's Albatross (vulnerable)
- (category), Thalassarche cauta: Shy Albatross (near-threatened)
- (category), Thalassarche eremita: Chatham Albatross (critically endangered)
- (category), Thalassarche chlororhynchos: Yellow-nosed Albatross
- (category), Phoebetria palpebrata: Light-mantled Albatross (near-threatened)
edit- (category), Phaetontidae
- (category), Phaethon rubricauda: Amokura or Red-tailed Tropic Bird
- (category), Pelecanidae
- (category), Pelecanus novaezealandiae: New Zealand Pelican (extinct)
- (category), Sulidae
- (category), Sula serrator: Takapu or Gannet
- (category), Phalacrocoracidae
- (category), Phalacrocorax carbo: Kawau or Great Cormorant
- (category), Phalacrocorax varius: Karuhiruhi or Pied Cormorant
- (category), Phalacrocorax sulcirostris: Little Black Cormorant
- (category), Phalacrocorax melanoleucos: Kawaupaka or Little Pied Cormorant
- (category), Phalacrocorax punctatus: Parekareka or Spotted Shag or Blue Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax colensoi: Auckland Islands Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax campbelli: Campbell Island Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax carunculatus: King Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax chalconotus: Bronze Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax featherstoni: Stewart Island Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax onslowi: Chatham Island Shag
- (category), Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi: Bounty Islands Shag
edit- (category), Ardeidae
- (category), Ardea alba: Kotuku or White Heron
- (category), Ardea ibis: Cattle Egret
- (category), Egretta novaehollandiae: White-faced Heron
- (category), Egretta garzetta: Little Egret
- (category), Egretta sacra: Matuku moana or Reef Heron
- (category), Nycticorax caledonicus: Nankeen Night Heron
- (category), Ixobrychus novaezelandiae: New Zealand Little Bittern (extinct)
- (category), Botaurus poiciloptilus: Matuku or Australasian Bittern
- (category), Threskiornithidae
- (category), Platalea regia: Kotuku-ngutupapa or Royal Spoonbill
edit- (category), Anatidae
- (category), Mergus australis: Auckland Island Merganser (extinct)
- (category), Oxyura australis: Blue-billed Duck
- (category), Biziura delautouri: De Lautour's Duck (extinct)
- (category), Pachyanas chathamica: Chatham Island Duck (extinct)
- (category), Malacorhynchus scarletti: Scarlett's Duck (extinct (see related Pink-eared Duck))
- (category), Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos: Whio or Blue Duck (endangered)
- (category), Tadorna variegata: Putangitangi or Paradise Shelduck
- (category), Aythya novaeseelandiae: Papango or Black Teal or New Zealand Scaup
- (category), Anas aucklandica: Auckland Islands Teal (endangered)
- (category), Anas nesiotis: Campbell Islands Teal (critically endangered)
- (category), Anas chlorotis: Pateke or Brown Teal (endangered)
- (category), Cnemiornis gracilis: North Island Goose (extinct)
- (category), Cnemiornis calcitrans: South Island Goose (extinct)
- (category), Cygnus atratus: Black Swan (introduced)
- (category), Cygnus atratus sumnerensis: New Zealand Swan (extinct)
edit- (category), Rallidae
- (category), Fulica chathamensis: New Zealand Coot (extinct)
- (category), Gallirallus modestus: Chatham Island Rail (extinct)
- (category), Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi: Giant Chatham Island Rail (extinct)
- (category), Gallinula hodgeni: Hodgen's Rail (extinct)
- (category), Gallirallus dieffenbachii: Dieffenbach's Rail (extinct)
- (category), Capellirallus karamu: Snipe-Rail (extinct)
- (category), Aptornis otidiformis: Adzebill (extinct)
- (category), Lewinia muelleri: Auckland Islands Rail (vulnerable)
- (category), Porphyrio porphyrio: Pūkeko
- (category), Porphyrio mantelli: North Island Takahē (extinct)
- (category), Porphyrio hochstetteri: South Island Takahē (endangered)
- (category), Gallirallus australis: Weka or Woodhen (vulnerable)
edit- (category), Phasianidae
- (category), Alectoris chukar: Chukar (Introduced)
- (category), Alectoris rufa: Red-legged Partridge (Introduced)
- (category), Perdix perdix: Grey Partridge (Introduced)
- (category), Coturnix novaezelandiae: New Zealand Quail (extinct)
- (category), Coturnix ypsilophora: Brown Quail (Introduced)
- (category), Phasianus colchicus: Ring-necked Pheasant (Introduced)
- (category), Pavo cristatus: Indian Peafowl (Introduced)
- (category), Numididae
- (category), Numida meleagris: Helmeted Guineafowl (Introduced)
edit- (category), Charadriidae
- (category), Haematopus finschi: South Island Oystercatcher
- (category), Haematopus chathamensis: Chatham Island Oystercatcher (endangered)
- (category), Haematopus unicolor: Torea or Variable Oystercatcher
- (category), Anarhynchus frontalis: Ngutuparore or Wrybill (vulnerable)
- (category), Himantopus novaezelandiae: Kaki or Black Stilt (Critically endangered)
- (category), Charadrius obscurus: Tuturiwhatu or New Zealand Dotterel (vulnerable)
- (category), Thinornis novaeseelandiae: Tuturuatu or Shore Plover (endangered)
- (category), Coenocorypha pusilla: Chatham Islands Snipe (vulnerable)
- (category), Coenocorypha chathamica: Giant Chatham Island Snipe (extinct)
- (category), Coenocorypha aucklandica: Hakawai or New Zealand Snipe
- (category), Coenocorypha aucklandica iredalei: Stewart Island Snipe (extinct)
- (category), Coenocorypha aucklandica barrierensis: Little Barrier Snipe (extinct)
- (category), Calidris canutus: Huahou or Red Knot
- (category), Laridae
- (category), Larus dominicanus: Karoro or Southern Black-backed Gull or Kelp Gull
- (category), Larus novaehollandiae: Silver Gull
- (category), Larus scopulinus: Red-billed Gull (endemic)
- (category), Larus bulleri: Black-billed Gull (endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Hydroprogne caspia: Taranui or Caspian Tern
- (category), Chlidonias albostriatus: Tarapiroe or Black-fronted Tern (endangered)
- (category), Sternula nereis davisae: Tara-iti or New Zealand Fairy Tern (Critically Endangered)
- (category:Stercorariidae, Stercorariidae or Hakoakoa
- (category), Stercorarius parasiticus: Arctic Skua (Migratory visitor)
- (category), Catharacta lonnbergi: Brown Skua or Subantarctic Skua
edit- (category), Podicipedidae
- (category), Tachybaptus novaehollandiae: Australasian Grebe
- (category), Poliocephalus rufopectus: Weweia or New Zealand Dabchick (endemic) (vulnerable)
- (category), Podiceps cristatus: Great Crested Grebe
edit- (category), Accipitridae
- (category), Circus eylesi: Eyles' Harrier (extinct)
- (category), Circus approximans: Kahu or Australasian Harrier
- (category), Harpagornis moorei: Harpagornis or Haast's Eagle or New Zealand Eagle or Giant Eagle (extinct)
- (category), Haliaeetus australis: Chatham Island Sea-Eagle (extinct)
- (category), Falconidae
- (category), Falco novaeseelandiae: Karearea or New Zealand Falcon
edit- (category), Strigidae
- (category), Sceloglaux albifacies: Whekau or Laughing Owl (extinct)
- (category), Ninox novaeseelandiae: Ruru or Morepork
edit- (category), Aegothelidae
- (category), Aegotheles novaezealandiae: New Zealand Owlet-Nightjar (extinct)
edit- (category), Cuculidae
- (category), Eudynamys taitensis: Koekoea or Longtailed Cuckoo
- (category), Chrysococcyx lucidas: Pipiwharauroa or Shining Cuckoo
edit- (category), Psittacidae
- (category), Nestor notabilis: Kea or Mountain Parrot (threatened)
- (category), Nestor meridionalis: Kākā or Bush Parrot (endangered)
- (category), Strigops habroptilus: Kākāpō or Owl Parrot (critically endangered)
- (category), Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae: Kākāriki or New Zealand Red-crowned Parakeet
- (category), Cyanoramphus malherbi: Kākāriki or Orange-fronted Parakeet (endangered)
- (category), Cyanoramphus auriceps: Kākāriki or Yellow-crowned Parakeet
- (category), Cyanoramphus unicolor: Kākāriki or Antipodes Island Parakeet
- (category), Cyanoramphus forbesi: Kākāriki or Forbes' Parakeet
edit- (category), Columbidae
- (category), Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae: Kererū or New Zealand (Wood) Pigeon
edit- (category), Acanthisittidae
- (category), Xenicus longipes: Matuhi or Bush Wren (extinct)
- (category), Xenicus longipes longipes: South Island Bush Wren (extinct)
- (category), Xenicus longipes stokesi: North Island Bush Wren (extinct)
- (category), Xenicus longipes variabilis: Stead's Bush Wren (extinct)
- (category), Xenicus gilviventris: Rock Wren
- (category), Traversia lyalli: Stephens Island Wren (extinct)
- (category), Acanthisitta chloris: Titipounamu or Rifleman
- (category), Pachyplichas yaldwyni: Yaldwyn's Wren (extinct)
- (category), Pachyplichas jagmi: Grant-Mackie's Wren (extinct)
- (category), Xenicus longipes: Matuhi or Bush Wren (extinct)
- (category), Corvidae
- (category), Palaeocorax moriorum: New Zealand Crow (extinct)
- (category), Corvus frugilegus: Rook (introduced)
- (category), Motacillidae
- (category), Anthus novaeseelandiae: Pihoihoi or New Zealand Pipit
- (category), Sylviidae
- (category), Megalurus punctatus: Matata or Fernbird (endemic)
- (category), Petroicidae
- (category), Petroica macrocephala: Miromiro or Tomtit (endemic)
- (category), Petroica australis: Toutouwai or New Zealand Robin (endemic)
- (category), Petroica traversi: Black Robin or Chatham Robin (endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Pachycephalidae
- (category), Mohoua albicilla: Popokotea or Whitehead (endemic)
- (category), Mohoua ochrocephala: Mohua or Yellowhead (endemic)
- (category), Mohoua novaeseelandiae: Pipipi or Brown Creeper (endemic)
- (category), Acanthizidae
- (category), Gerygone igata: Riroriro or Grey Warbler (endemic)
- (category), Gerygone albofrontata: Chatham Gerygone (endemic)
- (category), Meliphagidae
- (category), Notiomystis cincta: Hihi or Stitchbird (endemic) (threatened)
- (category), Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae: Tui (endemic)
- (category), Callaeidae
- (category), Callaeas cinerea: Kōkako (endemic)
- (category), Callaeas cinerea wilsoni: North Island Kōkako (endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Callaeas cinerea cinerea: South Island Kōkako (endemic) (probably extinct)
- (category), Philesturnus carunculatus: Tieke or Saddleback (endemic)
- (category), Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater: North Island Saddleback (endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus: South Island Saddleback (endemic) (endangered)
- (category), Heteralocha acutirostris: Huia (extinct)
- (category), Callaeas cinerea: Kōkako (endemic)
- (category), Pardalotidae
- (category), Anthornis melanura: Korimako or Bellbird (endemic)
- (category), Anthornis melanocephala: Chatham Island Bellbird (extinct)
- (category), Dicruridae
- (category), Rhipidura fuliginosa: Piwakawaka or Fantail
- (category), Zosteropidae
- (category), Zosterops lateralis: Tauhou or Silvereye, Waxeye or White-eye
- (category), Muscicapidae
- (category), Turnagra capensis: Piopio (extinct)
- (category), Megalurus rufescens: Chatham Island Fernbird (extinct)
- (category), Cracticidae
- (category), Gymnorhina tibicen: Australian Magpie (introduced)
- (category), Sturnidae
- (category), Acridotheres tristis: Common Myna (introduced)
- (category), Sturnus vulgaris: European Starling (introduced)
- (category), Emberizidae
- (category), Emberiza citrinella: Yellowhammer (introduced)
- (category), Emberiza cirlus: Cirl Bunting (introduced)
- (category), Fringillidae
- (category), Fringilla coelebs: Chaffinch (introduced)
- (category), Carduelis chloris: European Greenfinch (introduced)
- (category), Carduelis flammea: Common Redpoll (introduced)
- (category), Carduelis carduelis: European Goldfinch (introduced)
- (category), Passeridae
- (category), Passer domesticus: House Sparrow (introduced)