Category:Carl Straat (ship, 1963)

ENI info
ENI info
Information about the vessel may be found at ENI 05017010.
A ship can change name and flag state through time, but the ENI number remains the same through the hull's entire lifetime. As a result, it can be useful to identify a ship by using the ENI number.
English: Service vessel Carl Straat has a diving bell allowing to walk down to the river ground in a depth of up to 10 meters.
Français : Le navire d'etretien Carl Straat dispose d'une cloche de plongée permettant de travailler sur le lit du fleuve Rhin à une profondeur de 10 mètres

Source: De Binnenvaart

Media in category "Carl Straat (ship, 1963)"

The following 34 files are in this category, out of 34 total.