Main gallery: Dacia and Dacians.
Aragonés: Dacia ye a denominación que recibiba en l'antiguedat a tierra d'os dacos y chetos principalment en fuents romanas, correspondendo principalment a lo territorios d'as actuals Rumanía y Republica de Moldavia. (→Dacia)
العربية: داقية هي منطقة قديمة موجودة شرق أوروبا تحدها شمالا جبال الكارباثيان وجنوبا نهر الدانوب وفي الغرب منطقة ثيس ومن الشرق نهر دنيستير وهي بهذا تتماثل مع رومانيا الحالية، سكانه ينتمون للعرق الثراقي ويسمون في الكتابات الأولى أودوك، كذلك عرفوا باسم غيتاي من قبل الإغريق والرومان. (→داقية)
Български: Дакия е държавно образувание възникнало на територията на днешна Румъния. Децебал успял да обедини дакийските племена, които се противопоставили на римската инвазия в земите им. Военните действия в периода на управление на императорите Домициан и Траян завършили с покоряване на даките, и с превръщането на земите им в римска провинция Дакия. В чест на окончателната си победа над даките, император Траян издигнал Траяновата колона в Рим. (→Дакия)
Brezhoneg: Dacia a oa unan unan eus proviñsoù an Impalaeriezh roman en Eil hag en . Edo mui-pe-vui el lec'h m'emañ Roumania. Dont a ra an anv Dacia eus hini ar bobl a veve eno anvet Daci gant ar Romaned ha Δάκαι Dákai gant ar C'hresianed. (→Dacia)
Català: A l'antiguitat, especialment a les fonts romanes, la Dàcia era el país de l'Europa centreoriental habitat pels dacis, que els grecs anomenaven getes. Aproximadament, aquesta regió estava delimitada al sud pel riu Danubi (llavors anomenat Istros) o a vegades també per les muntanyes dels Balcans (llavors Hemus), incloent així la regió de Dobrudja, habitada pels getes i on entraren en contacte amb el món grec; a l'est, per la mar Negra (llavors Pontus Euxinus) i pel riu Dniester (Tyras), tot i que hi havia molts assentaments dacis entre el Dniester i el riu Bug del Sud; i a l'oest, pel riu Tisza (Tisia), encara que a vegades també s'hi comptaven àrees situades entre aquest riu i el Danubi mitjà. Correspon, per tant, als estats actuals de Romania i Moldàvia i a petites parts dels de Bulgària, Sèrbia, Hongria i Ucraïna. (→Dàcia)
Čeština: Dácie ( latinsky Dacia) bylo ve starověku území obývané kmeny Dáků a Getů, které se nacházelo převážně v dnešním Rumunsku. Jeho jižní okraj určovaly Dunaj a pohoří Balkán, zatímco ze západu a východu ho vymezovaly řeky Tisa a Dněstr. Ze severu ohraničoval Dácii horský masiv Karpat, táhnoucí se do středu této země, již rozděloval na dvě poloviny. (→Dácie)
Deutsch: Dakien ( lateinisch Dacia) war von 106 bis 271 eine Provinz des Römischen Reiches. (→Dakien)
Ελληνικά: Η Δακία, στην αρχαία γεωγραφία, ήταν μια μεγάλη περιοχή της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης που οριοθετείται προς βοράν από τα Καρπάθια Όρη, προς νότον από τον ποταμό Δούναβη, δυτικά από τον Τίσα ποταμό και ανατολικά από τον Τύρα ποταμό (Δνείστερος). Η πρωτεύουσα της Δακίας ήταν η Ζαρμιζεγεθούσα (Sarmizegetusa). (→Δακία)
English: In ancient geography, especially in Roman sources, Dacia was the land inhabited by the Dacians or Getae as they were known by the Greeks—the branch of the Thracians north of the Haemus range. Dacia was bounded approximately by the Danubius river, in Greek sources Istros (the Danube) or, at its greatest extent, by the Haemus Mons (the Balkan Mountains) to the south–Moesia (Dobrogea), a region south of the Danube, was a core area where the Getae lived and interacted with the Ancient Greeks–Pontus Euxinus (the Black Sea) and river Danastris, in Greek sources Tyras (the Dniester) to the east (but several Dacian settlements are recorded in part of area between Dniester and Hypanis river (the Bug), and Tisia (the Tisza) to the west (but at times included areas between Tisza and middle Danube). The Carpathian Mountains were located in the middle of Dacia. It thus corresponds to modern countries of Romania and Moldova, as well as smaller parts of Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Ukraine. (→Dacia)
Esperanto: Dakio, latine Dacia, estis eŭropa pralando kaj dum la 2-a kaj 3-a jarcento provinco de la Romia Imperio. La nomo de la pralando kaj romia provinco venis de la tie loĝantaj dakoj. (→Dakio)
Español: En la geografía antigua, según las fuentes de la Antigua Roma, Dacia era la tierra habitada por los dacios y getas, las ramas del Norte-Danubio de los tracios. Dacia se hallaba en medio de los Cárpatos y estaba delimitada: (→Dacia)
Eesti: Daakia ( ladina keeles Dacia) oli vanaaja maa, mis piirnes Tisza jõega läänes, Doonau alamjooksuga lõunas, Dnestri jõega idas ning Karpaatidega põhjas. Maa paiknes suuremalt jaolt praeguse Rumeenia ja Moldova, osalt Ungari, Bulgaaria ja Ukraina alal. (→Daakia)
Suomi: Daakia oli muinainen kuningaskunta Tiszan ja Dnestrin välillä Tonavan pohjoispuolella ja Karpaattien eteläpuolella, suunnilleen nykyisten Romanian ja Moldovan valtioiden alueella. Siellä asui traakialainen kansa, joita kreikaksi nimitettiin getalaisiksi. (→Daakia)
Français : La Dacie est, dans l’ Antiquité, un territoire de la région carpato-danubiano-pontique correspondant approximativement à celui de la Roumanie actuelle. Le mot Dacie (du latin Dacia) vient du nom romain de ses occupants principaux, les Daces, qui sont très proches des Thraces. Il a servi aussi à dénommer une marque d'automobiles roumaines. (→Dacie)
Frysk: Daasje wie it lân yn East- Sintraal-Jeropa dat bewenne waard troch de Daasjers. It gebiet leit yn it hjoeddeiske Roemeenje, mar parten fan it âlde Daasje lizze ek yn Moldaavje, Bulgarije, Servje, Hongarije en de Oekraïne. (→Daasje)
Hrvatski: (→Dacija)
Magyar: Dacia római provincia volt, amely a mai Erdély nyugati és déli részét, a Bánság keleti területét és Olténiát foglalta magába. (→Dacia (római provincia))
Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam geografi kuno, terutama dalam catatan Romawi, Dacia adalah wilayah di Eropa Tengah bagian timur yang dihuni oleh bangsa Dacia. Wilayah ini terletak di tengah Pegunungan Carpathia, dan berbatasan dengan Sungai Donau, Laut Hitam, Sungai Dniester dan Sungai Tisza. Wilayah Dacia kini merupakan wilayah Rumania dan Moldova modern, dan juga beberapa wilayah di Bulgaria, Serbia, Hongaria dan Ukraina. (→Dacia)
Ido: Dacia esis la nomo di historiala regiono ke partoprenis a Romana Imperio en teritorio ke hodie formas Rumania, Moldova e parti di Hungaria, Bulgaria ed Ukrainia. (→Dacia)
Italiano: La Dacia era, secondo la nomenclatura geografica dell' età antica, la terra dei Geti e dei Daci (chiamati anche Dai in un'epoca più remota). Corrispondeva a un'ampia regione dell'Europa centrale, delimitata a nord dai monti Carpazi, a sud dal Danubio, ad ovest dal Tibisco (oggi principalmente in territorio ungherese) e ad est dal Nistro (oggi in territorio moldavo). Pur nella variabilità dei suoi confini, corrispondeva quindi grossomodo all'area delle odierne Romania e Moldavia. La capitale della Dacia era Sarmizegetusa Regia. (→Dacia (regione storica))
日本語: ダキア(ラテン語:Dacia)とは、古代 中央ヨーロッパの一地域で、ダキア人とゲタエ人が居住していた地域を指す。ほぼ現在のルーマニアの国土(より正確には「大ルーマニア」と呼ばれた時代の国土)にあたり、東はティサ川、西はハンガリー、南はドナウ川、北はカルパチア山脈の森林地帯までの地域となる。ルーマニアでは同様の表記で、「ダチア」と読む。 (→ダキア)
한국어: 다키아'(')는 고대에 다키아인과 게타에인이 거주하고 있던 지역을 가리킨다. 현재의 루마니아의 영토에 해당되고, 동쪽은 티소 강, 서쪽은 헝가리, 남쪽은 도나우 강, 북쪽은 카르파티아 산맥의 삼림 지대까지이다. 루마니아어로는, "다치아"라고 읽는다. (→다키아)
Latina: Dacia erat provincia romana illustrissima, Felix appellata, Augusta, pulcherrima, serenissima. Daces audacis gentis, et Decebalum rex Dacorum sub regno Traiani imperator vixerunt. Hadrianus Imperator, anno 117), Ulpiam Traianam Augustam Sarmisegetusam urbem condidit. Legiones XIII Gemina et V Macedonica fuerunt in Dacia Apulensi, Dacia Malvensi, et Dacia Porolissensi. Tertullianus et Sanctus Isidorus affirmabant primam rem publicam Christianam in Dacia existavisse. Sanctus Andreas apostolus, Petri frater, Christianam religionem in Dacia confessabat (ut credunt posteriores). (→Dacia)
Lietuvių: Dakija - senovės Europos sritis tarp Dunojaus ir Dniestro, maždaug sutampanti su šiuolaikine Rumunija ir Moldavija. Vakaruose Dakija siekė Tisą. Kai romėnai nukariavo Dakiją (rumunų Dacia), dakai palaipsniui pradėjo kalbėti liaudies lotynų kalbos, iš kurios atsirado rumunų kalba. (→Dakija)
Latviešu: Dākija jeb Dāķija bija indoeiropiešu tautu dāku un gētu apdzīvota ķēniņvalsts (no 2. gadsimta p.m.ē. līdz 106. gadam m.ē.) aptuveni tagadējās Rumānijas un Moldovas teritorijā. Dākijas galvaspilsēta bija Sarmizegetusa, kas atradās Dienvidkarpatu priekškalnē, tagadējā Hunedoaras žudeca (Transilvānija) teritorijā. 2.-3. gadsimtā Dākija bija iekļauta Romas impērijas sastāvā. (→Dākija)
Nederlands: Dacië ( Latijn: Dacia) is een oude benaming van ongeveer het huidige Roemenië. De bewoners werden aangeduid met de naam Daciërs. Van 106 tot 271 n.Chr. was Dacië een Romeinse provincia. (→Dacië)
Norsk bokmål: Dakia var et rike, og fra år 106 en romersk provins, i Sentral-Europa, mellom Karpatene i nord, Donau i sør, Tisa i vest og Tyras i øst. Det svarer i all hovedsak til det moderne Romania og Moldova. Rikets hovedstad var Sarmisegetusa. (→Dakia)
Polski: Dacja – kraina historyczna w Europie południowo-wschodniej (w przybliżeniu na obszarze dzisiejszej Rumunii). Od północy była ograniczona Karpatami, od wschodu rzeką Prut, od południa dolnym Dunajem, od zachodu początkowo środkowym biegiem Dunaju, a od I wieku naszej ery – rzeką Cisą. (→Dacja)
Português: Dácia (em latim Dacia), na geografia da Antiguidade, era a terra dos dácios (daci ou getae), grande região da Europa Central limitada ao norte pelos Cárpatos, ao sul pelo Danúbio, ao oeste pelo Tisa (rio Tisza, na Hungria), e a leste pelo Tyras (rio Dniester ou Nistru, na atual Moldávia oriental). A Dácia corresponde assim à Romênia e à Moldávia atuais. (→Dácia)
Română: Dacia era în antichitate țara locuită de geto-daci, care erau împărțiți într-un număr mai mare de state și ocupau un teritoriu cuprins între: râul Tisa (vest), râul Nistru și Marea Neagră (est), Dunăre (sud) și Carpații Păduroși (nord). În anumite părți chiar depășeau aceste hotare: spre est peste Nistru, "înaintând până spre Bug", iar spre vest, "ajunseră până la Dunărea panonică".Grecii le spuneau dacilor geți, iar romanii daci. (→Dacia)
Русский: Да́кия — историческая область времён классической античности. Во времена Римской империи к Дакии причисляли обширные горные и равнинные земли, прилегающие к северу Балканского полуострова, располагавшияся между Тисой, Дунаем, Днестром и Карпатами. (→Дакия)
Sicilianu: La Dacia n'èbbica rumana è la riggiuni dâ pinisula balcanica chi currispunni all'attuali Rumanìa. Pigghiava lu nomu dû pòpulu dê Daci. Pi loncu tempu li tribbù dâ Dacia si firaru a risistiri â putenza militari mpiriali. (→Dacia)
Simple English: Dacia was the place where Dacians and some Illyrians lived. It was a big district of Central Europe belonging to the Roman empire. The northern part of the border was made up of the Carpathians; the southern part of the border of Dacia was made up of the Danube River, and the western part of the border of Dacia was made up of the Tisza River. Along the borders many romans castles where ordered up. The Dacia district protected the roman empire from foreign powers of the north east side. (→Dacia)
Slovenčina: Dácia ( po rumunsky: Dacia, po grécky: Getae) bolo historické územie starovekého Ríma (Rímska ríša), ktoré sa rozprestieralo na väčšine územia súčasného Rumunska medzi riekami Tisa, Dunaj, Dnester a pohorím Karpaty. V roku 106 ho rímsky cisár Traján pripojil k Rímskej ríši a na jeho územie pozval rímskych kolonizátorov a veteránov rímskej légie, aby z neho vytesnili miestne obyvateľstvo. Postupne tu začali vznikať rímske mestá, väčšinou vojenského charakteru (Sarmizegetusa, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Kluž, Apulum a iné). V neskoršom období sem začali prenikať kmene Gótov, Karpov, Gepidov a Sarmatov. Rimania v Dácii ostali až do roku 271, keď bol cisár Aurelianus z dôvodu vojenského náporu barbarských kmeňov nútený Dáciu opustiť. (→Dácia)
Svenska: Dakien, som romersk provins Dacia, befolkningen kallades daker, under antiken ett område som sträckte sig mellan Karpaterna, Donau, Tisia eller Tisa i västern och Tyras eller Nistru i östern. (→Dakien)
See also category: Dacia (cars).
The article Dacia on Wikipedia projects:
- (en) Dacia
- (ar) داقية
- (arz) داتشيا
- (be) Дакія
- (be-tarask) Дакія
- (bg) Дакия
- (br) Dacia
- (ca) Dàcia
- (cs) Dácie
- (da) Dakien
- (de) Dakien
- (el) Δακία
- (eo) Dakio
- (es) Dacia
- (et) Daakia
- (fi) Daakia
- (fr) Dacie
- (fy) Daasje
- (he) דאקיה
- (hr) Dacija
- (hu) Dacia
- (id) Dacia
- (io) Dacia
- (it) Dacia (regione storica)
- (ja) ダキア
- (ka) დაკია
- (ko) 다키아
- (la) Dacia
- (lt) Dakija
- (nl) Dacië
- (no) Dakia
- (pl) Dacja
- (pt) Dácia
- (ro) Dacia
- (ru) Дакия
- (scn) Dacia
- (sh) Dacija
- (simple) Dacia
- (sk) Dácia
- (sr) Дакија
- (sv) Dakien
- (tr) Daçya
- (uk) Дакія
- (zh) 達基亞
Balkan kingdom of the Dacians (168 BC-106 AD) | |||||
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- Warrior grave of Ciumești (13 F)
Pages in category "Dacia"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Dacia"
The following 169 files are in this category, out of 169 total.
De-Dazien.ogg 1.9 s; 18 KB
A mounted Dacian in Scale Armour.JPG 578 × 556; 43 KB
Additional bracelets from Spalnaca Dacia.jpg 800 × 509; 41 KB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Proto-Dacian Bowl-1.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.3 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Proto-Dacian Bowl.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.3 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Funeral Stone.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.35 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Funeral Stones.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.41 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Lion Statue.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.51 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Oil Lamps and Beads-1.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 1.88 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Oil Lamps and Beads.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.15 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Pipe and Sculptures.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.44 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Pipe.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.49 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Roman Inscription-1.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.4 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Roman Inscription-2.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.72 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Roman Inscription.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.43 MB
Aiud History Museum 2011 - Roman Dacia - Roman Mortarium.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.05 MB
Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union 2011 - Cugir Dacian Warrior Tomb.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.12 MB
Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union 2011 - Dacian Ceramics from Gradistea Muncelului.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.18 MB
Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union 2011 - Dacian Kingdom and Roman Empire Map.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.22 MB
Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union 2011 - Dacian Relations with Greeks and Romans.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.23 MB
Alba Iulia National Museum of the Union 2011 - Dacian State During Decebalus.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.1 MB
Architecture of Dacians.JPG 913 × 639; 87 KB
Architecture pre-Roman Dacia.JPG 907 × 589; 72 KB
Artefacte DaciaIMG 20150509 123343 01.jpg 3,200 × 2,368; 2.3 MB
Artefacte DaciaIMG 20150509 123343 02.jpg 3,200 × 2,368; 2.05 MB
Base de la Columna de Trajano (Colonna Traiana). Roma, Italia.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 8.92 MB
Bloc orastie.JPG 1,094 × 730; 209 KB
Bracelet Dacia left bank Lower Danube.jpg 600 × 800; 47 KB
Bracelet twisted wire Spalnaca.JPG 367 × 290; 13 KB
Bracelets from Spalnaca ancient Dacia.jpg 800 × 487; 48 KB
Bracelets with overlaping ends - ancient Dacia.jpg 1,200 × 927; 136 KB
Bronze Age objects Domăneşt Satu Mare county 2.JPG 926 × 1,077; 116 KB
Bronze age weapons Romania.jpg 318 × 449; 86 KB
Bronze Artifacts pre-Roman Dacia.JPG 625 × 611; 63 KB
Bronze bracelets Bogata.jpg 673 × 377; 38 KB
Bronze sheet belt (Dacia).JPG 1,280 × 469; 116 KB
Brukenthal Lapidarium 2nd century monument chariot.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 2.72 MB
Bust of a Dacian.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.61 MB
Campagna dacica Traiano 101-102 png.png 2,280 × 1,467; 1.16 MB
Campagna dacica Traiano 105-106 png.png 2,280 × 1,467; 1.22 MB
Celtic Helmet from Satu Mare, Romania.jpg 1,024 × 768; 251 KB
Central and Eastern Europe at the time of Augustus 6 AD.jpg 2,600 × 1,899; 740 KB
Central Europemap Pannonia Dacia and others.jpg 3,717 × 2,866; 1.11 MB
Cetatea Porolissum 2.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 7.59 MB
Cetatea Porolissum 3.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 4.99 MB
Cetatea Porolissum.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 4.5 MB
Chișinău apartment block (3104667035).jpg 1,728 × 2,304; 1.34 MB
Classical type of Dacian-Hallstattian gold bracelet.jpg 500 × 532; 45 KB
Cluj Museum Dacian Artefacts.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.14 MB
Construction sites in the Rose Valley - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1.02 MB
Costume of Dacians pre-Roman Dacia.JPG 1,268 × 1,028; 174 KB
Cult in Dacia.JPG 705 × 1,076; 104 KB
Dacia around 100 AD - Italian.png 2,280 × 1,404; 1.07 MB
Dacia during Burebista reign.png 720 × 531; 143 KB
Dacia occupation of Pannonia and modern day Czechia.png 720 × 692; 427 KB
Dacia on Decius coin.jpg 240 × 320; 6 KB
Dacia-Bucureşti-Ciuflea intersection. Bucureşti street - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 995 KB
Dacia-Bucureşti-Ciuflea intersection. Ciuflea street - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 954 KB
Dacia-Felix-modern-reproduction.png 613 × 607; 642 KB
Dacian band decorated bracelet hook-and-eye Cerbal.jpg 800 × 547; 36 KB
Dacian bracelet twisted bar.jpg 2,126 × 1,993; 131 KB
Dacian bracelet type Slimnic1.jpg 700 × 733; 42 KB
Dacian bracelet type Slimnic2.jpg 700 × 702; 48 KB
Dacian bracelet type Slimnic3.jpg 700 × 738; 49 KB
Dacian bracelet type Slimnic4.jpg 700 × 793; 45 KB
Dacian bracelet type Slimnic5.jpg 700 × 796; 50 KB
Dacian Bracelets La Tene II.jpg 600 × 716; 48 KB
Dacian bronze bracelet Gusterita Sibiu County.JPG 700 × 523; 43 KB
Dacian bronze bracelets 1 Maierus 3 Atel.JPG 1,156 × 659; 53 KB
Dacian Bronze Bracelets Gusterita Sibiu County.JPG 1,493 × 416; 65 KB
Dacian ceramic (finds Zimnicea, pre-Roman Dacia).JPG 881 × 672; 68 KB
Dacian construction materials.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.09 MB
Dacian costumes.JPG 1,364 × 1,422; 422 KB
Dacian Draco Hungerford LB 1.JPG 337 × 800; 39 KB
Dacian Draco Trajan Column cf Tocilescu.jpg 778 × 588; 67 KB
Dacian emissaries.JPG 815 × 1,037; 239 KB
Dacian goblet from Biia.jpg 800 × 1,000; 68 KB
Dacian gold bracelet finds Biia Magyarbenye.jpg 852 × 1,431; 130 KB
Dacian gold bracelet Firighiaz type 1.jpg 700 × 324; 22 KB
Dacian gold bracelet Firighiaz type 2.jpg 533 × 492; 46 KB
Dacian gold bracelet Firighiaz type 3.JPG 747 × 566; 66 KB
Dacian gold bracelet Sacueni Bihor.JPG 462 × 396; 28 KB
Dacian gold bracelet Simleul Silvaniei.JPG 541 × 315; 21 KB
Dacian Kingdom under Burebista.png 720 × 618; 522 KB
Dacian pillum.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.05 MB
Dacian shield and helmets.JPG 604 × 912; 86 KB
Dacian shiels.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.02 MB
Dacian silver and gold objects (pre-Roman Dacia).JPG 972 × 615; 104 KB
Dacian silver bracelets from Cerbel.jpg 844 × 536; 40 KB
Dacian silver bracelets from Hetur and Vaidei.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 185 KB
Dacian Silver clasp Posaga.JPG 472 × 233; 16 KB
Dacian Silver Jewelry from Darlos -Sibiu.JPG 410 × 489; 26 KB
Dacian silver.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.05 MB
Dacian Standard Draco (when not in use).JPG 753 × 967; 80 KB
Dacian trumpet.JPG 260 × 800; 15 KB
Dacian type bracelet from Dalj.jpg 600 × 302; 20 KB
Dacian umbo shield.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.06 MB
Dacian warrior cf. Spallart.JPG 677 × 769; 67 KB
Dacian warrior.JPG 1,139 × 1,207; 208 KB
Dacian weapons, standard and trumpets.JPG 753 × 967; 128 KB
Dacian women.JPG 675 × 838; 82 KB
Dacian-nobleman-2-boulevard-dacia-bucharest.jpg 450 × 911; 113 KB
Dacian-noblemanboulevard-dacia-bucharest.jpg 440 × 772; 122 KB
Dacians people.JPG 1,199 × 992; 115 KB
De-Dakien.ogg 1.8 s; 18 KB
Decebalus sculpture.jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 3.91 MB
Decorative motifs bracelets Pipea Biia and Karasz Dacia.jpg 766 × 396; 50 KB
Domanesti Bracelets.jpg 1,600 × 831; 121 KB
Entering the Viaduct from Botanica - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 962 KB
Fabretti - Attaque de tranchee par les Daces.jpg 4,087 × 2,986; 11.67 MB
Falx on Trajan's column.JPG 734 × 1,138; 132 KB
Gold Dacian bracelet Hallstatt Mojna.jpg 600 × 601; 46 KB
Gold snake-head bracelet Totesti-Hateg.jpg 415 × 384; 18 KB
Golden coils Prehistoric Maramures (Dacia).jpg 1,033 × 1,248; 274 KB
Helmet and standard.JPG 800 × 416; 28 KB
Historic Dacia.png 159 × 148; 6 KB
LimesAlutanusTranslautanus.png 315 × 682; 24 KB
Looking towards Botanica from the middle of the Viaduct - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 826 KB
Looking towards Centru from the middle of the Viaduct - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 957 KB
Medaille Joseph II. Siebenbürgen 1773.jpg 816 × 405; 293 KB
MNIR DACIAN UMBO IMG 7381.JPG 2,751 × 2,323; 4.56 MB
Moldovan country houses (182398250).jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 934 KB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic.JPG 2,840 × 1,912; 1.46 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic2.JPG 1,824 × 1,368; 847 KB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic3rosiamontana.JPG 1,832 × 1,374; 1.05 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic4brasov.JPG 2,360 × 1,770; 1.84 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic5Pipea.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.4 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic6Pipea.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 2.92 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic7.JPG 2,556 × 1,536; 1.25 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic8.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.03 MB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic9 cropped.jpg 900 × 452; 65 KB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic9 quandrangular and crenelated.jpg 800 × 608; 106 KB
Muzeuldeistorienaturalavienaaurdacic9.JPG 2,736 × 3,648; 3.53 MB
Orastie Celtic cauldron.JPG 721 × 491; 42 KB
Pre-Roman Silver Treasure Transylvania.JPG 2,161 × 3,300; 423 KB
Prehistoric Transylvania Dacia bracelet.jpg 941 × 1,300; 109 KB
Professional MotorSport World Expo 2024, Cologne (P1031145).jpg 3,888 × 5,184; 8.98 MB
Ring serpent-headed finds Dacia.JPG 800 × 436; 40 KB
Roma, sesterzio di traiano che conquista la dacia, 104-107 dc.jpg 956 × 968; 857 KB
Roman empire at its greatest extent.JPG 1,253 × 721; 190 KB
Rose Valley viewed from the Viaduct - panoramio (1).jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1.06 MB
Rose Valley viewed from the Viaduct - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1,000 KB
Rose Valley viewed from the Viaduct. Green trees - panoramio.jpg 1,800 × 2,400; 2.06 MB
Sarmizegetusa Upper Perspective.JPG 3,008 × 2,000; 2.68 MB
Shopping MallDova viewed from the Lukoil gas station - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 897 KB
Shopping Malldova, as seen from the North-East - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 1,004 KB
Shopping MallDova, as seen from the South - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 944 KB
Silver decorated band Dacian Cerbal.jpg 800 × 490; 36 KB
Silver treasure Cerbal3.jpg 800 × 424; 32 KB
Siral Bronze Age Dacia.jpg 1,801 × 400; 66 KB
Solid gold bracelet from Pipea (Dacia).jpg 921 × 1,428; 153 KB
Specific Dacian Draco weapons and trumpet.JPG 753 × 967; 130 KB
Sword hilt Dacia (Covoru, Brasov).jpg 800 × 676; 54 KB
Swords Bronze Age Dacia.jpg 2,550 × 3,300; 319 KB
Tezaur MNIR IMG 7291.JPG 1,911 × 1,364; 1.72 MB
Transylvanian silver snake-headed bracelet (Ancient Dacia).JPG 1,028 × 1,061; 157 KB
Young Dacian Duruy.JPG 349 × 843; 40 KB