<nowiki>Casa de Holstein-Gottorp; Maison de Holstein-Gottorp; Гальштайн-Готарпы; Гольштейн-Готторпы; Holštýnsko-Gotorpští; Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf; Casa de Holstein-Gottorp; Гольштэйн-Готарпы; Holstein–Gottorp-ház; Шлезвиг-Холщайн-Готорп; Slesvig-Holsten-Gottorp; Holstein-Gottorp Hanedanı; ホルシュタイン=ゴットルプ家; dinastio Holstein-Gottorp; Huis Sleeswijk-Holstein-Gottorp; Holstein-Gottorpska ätten; Holstein-Gottorp; Slesvig-Holsten-Gottorp; Holşteyn-Qottorplar; Teaghlach Holstein-Gottorp; Casa de Holstein-Gottorp; Гольштейн-Готторпи; Holstein-Gottorp; House of Holstein-Gottorp; أسرة هولشتاين-غوتورب; Οίκος του Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταϊν-Γκόττορπ; Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf; Casa real europea; デンマークの王家であったオルデンブルク家の分家にあたる貴族の家系; az Oldenburg-ház oldalága, uralta a Holstein–Gottorp Hercegséget, a Svéd Királyságot, az Orosz Birodalmat és az Oldenburgi Nagyhercegséget; slekt; ветвь Ольденбургской династии; Nebenlinie des Hauses Oldenburg; ab 1720 nur Haus Holstein-Gottorp genannt; brachte schwedische Könige und russische Zaren hervor; eurooppalainen hallitsijasuku, Oldenburgin sukuhaara; cadet branch of the Oldenburg dynasty, ruled the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg; галіна Ольдэнбургскай дынастыі, правячая ў Швецыі і Ольдэнбургу; německá panovnická dynastie; stranska linija Oldenburžanov; od leta 1720 se imenuje samo rodbina Holstein-Gottorp; iz nje so izšli švedski kralji in ruski carji; rodbina Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf; rodbina Schleswig-Holstein; rodbina Holstein-Gottorp; Holstein-Gottorp; Schleswig–Holstein–Gottorp-ház; House of Holstein-Gottorf; Шлезьвіг-Гальштайн-Готарпы; дынастыя Гольштэйн-Готарпаў; Гольштэйн-Готарпскі дом; Гольштэйн-Готарпская дынастыя; Dynastie Holstein-Gottorp; Holstein-Gottorp; holštýnsko-gotorpská dynastie; Haus Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf; Haus Holstein-Gottorf; Holstein-Gottorf; Holstein-Gottorp; Haus Holstein-Gottorp</nowiki>
House of Holstein-Gottorp
cadet branch of the Oldenburg dynasty, ruled the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Russian Empire and the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
Branches of the house ruled the Kingdom of Sweden from 1751 to 1818, Imperial Russia from 1762 to 1917, and the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg from 1773 to 1918.
This category has the following 45 subcategories, out of 45 total.