<nowiki>problema inverso; problème inverse; обратная задача; inverses Problem; problema inverso; مسائل معکوس; инверсна задача; invers problem; inverzni problem; 逆問題; 逆問題; inverst problem; problem odwrotny; Обернена задача; հակադարձ խնդիրներ; problema inverso; प्रतिलोम समस्या; inversio-ongelma; 역문제; inverse problem; inversa problemo; Bài toán ngược; Ge̍k-būn-tê; relazione funzionale F che intercorre tra un input incognito x e un output y; тип задач, часто возникающий во многих разделах науки, когда значения параметров модели должны быть получены из наблюдаемых данных; process of calculating from a set of observations the causal factors that produced them, or deducing the causes or parameters that we cannot directly observe from their effects; emne indenfor matematik; F(x,y)=0; problèmes inverses; probleme inverse; 역산법; F(x,y)=0; مسایل معکوس; F(x,y)=0</nowiki>
inverse problem
process of calculating from a set of observations the causal factors that produced them, or deducing the causes or parameters that we cannot directly observe from their effects