Commons:Photo challenge/2019 - May - Insects
2019 – May – Insects
editThe new challenge features Insects.
Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.
The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout May UTC.
Checklist for this theme:
- Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
- Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. May 2019 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
- Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
- Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.
Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:
Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron
For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.
- Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.
This challenge has already ended. (refresh)
Sur le plateau d'Argentine, Dordogne, France
Lymantria dispar caterpillar (gypsy moth).
This is the end. Mayfly captured by redstart.
Honeybee covered with pollen on hibiscus.
Honeybee on goldenrod.
Bombus sp. (bumblebee) displaying the spiral inner tube of its proboscis delved into the rear spur of an aconitum petal.
Rose avec insectes
Bumblebee landing on a lavender bud
A white butterfly
An ant
Blow Flies
Große Goldschrecke (Chrysochraon dispar) männlich
Unterseite einer Wespenspinne (Argiope bruennichi)
Bird-cherry ermine moths (Yponomeuta evonymella) caterpillar
Caterpillar (larval stage) of Cydalima perspectalis / box tree moth feeding on a box tree leaflet. This close-up reveals the mouth organs, the thoracic legs, and the tiny eye.
Ant steeplejack
Hiding from the photograph
Energy bars made out of crickets
Dragonfly in a National Park in Brazil
Unknown insect on wall
Colourful shield bug from Greece.
Butterfly standing on fingers
Black beetle balancing on fingers.
Heuschrecke auf Maisblatt
Insekten bei der Paarung, Rhagonycha fulva (Rotgelber Weichkäfer)
A wasp (Vespula germanica) on a true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
A wasp (Vespula germanica) on a true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
A wasp (Vespula germanica) on a true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
A Single Spider come across when hiking for meeting Commons -Photo challenge
An old picture which I took from my first digital camera, although the quality is not that great but the insect was moving a lot, all things consider its good for me.
An old picture which I took from my first digital camera.
Scarce Copper butterfly feeding on pollen
Typhonia ciliaris (Bagworm Larva) with a particularly impressive "bag"
Ladybird on a rose leaf
Bee on rosemary
Bee on pear flower (high resolution, please magnify! ;–)
Photographed in Ticino forest in the Muggio Valley of Switzerland
Fly which evolved to look like a bee or wasp
Distelfalter (Vanessa cardui) - Unterseite der Flügel
The Saint Lawrence tiger moth (Platarctia parthenos)
Pelecinus polyturator lives only in North and in South America.
Kanadischer Tigerschwalbenschwanz (Papilio canadensis)
Interior of a nest of asian hornets
Nest of asian hornets behind a shutter
Fritillary in alpine meadow alt. 2550m, Gran Paradiso national park, Italy
Fly sitting on an orange flower
Schmetterling in der Biosphäre Potsdam
Schmetterling in der Biosphäre Potsdam
Schmetterling in der Biosphäre Potsdam
Schmetterling in der Biosphäre Potsdam
Tiger moths on tree trunk, Ritsurin Garden, Takamatsu, Shikoku, Japan
Large Grashopper
A housefly on a rose.
Foxy Emperor sipping sirup in Ogliastro/Corse, France
Seven spotted ladybird on Greater yellow rattle in Stuttgart, Germany
Three burnets on scabious knapweed, Val Veny, Italy
Honey bee on flower
Shield beetle found while flower arranging
A rhinoceros beetle sucking sap out of a Griffith's Ash
Graphosoma lineatum
Großer brauner Rüsselkäfer (Hylobius abietis). Aufgenommen 04/2019 im NSG "Untere Havel Nord" bei Gülpe/Große Grabenniederung, Brandenburg (Deutschland)
Sechsfleck-Widderchen (Six-spot Burnet, Zygaena filipendulae). Aufgenommen in Brjanskaja Gebiet, Russland.
Coleoptera: taken in Armenia
Bee on a flower
Tagpfauenauge auf Perlhyazinthe (Fundort: Löhne/NRW)
A flying bee
Biene auf der Blume. Aufgenommen am Landesgartenschau 2015 in Oelsnitz im Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen.
In gray, mimicry of religious mantes
In green, mimicry of religious mantes
Zygaena filipendulae
Malacosoma Neustria
Scarce swallowtail
Young green bush-cricket on a pot marigold blossom
Ladybird on aphid-hunting
Hoverfly on a pot marigold blossom
Egyptian locust
Leaf beetles
Miris striatus su Anthemis Tinctoria, Veneto, Italia
Stag beetle(male)-the largest beetle living in Europe and Ukraine(Kharkov)
Pieris brassicae on lavandula, Germany
Aglais io on lavandula, Germany
Neurothemis ramburii from Bali
Crab Spider Ambush in Ireland
Ladybird in Ireland
Diloba caeruleocephala bruco, Veneto, Italia
Butterfly Cigaritis vulcanus on a tiny flower
Green Rose Chafer Beetle (Cetonia aurata) in acrylic block
Leptocoris abdominalis sucking juices out of a rotting leaf.
a fly is eating something sweet
Mantis religiosa (European mantis) in Romania
Il pranzo del ragno salterino
Fliege im Pyjama
Kreuzspinne zu Besuch auf dem Balkon
Gefressen werden
Grüner Grashüpfer in Stuttgart
Argynnini butterflies on bugbane in Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
Close-up of Oecophylla smaragdina (Red weaver ant)
Common darter dragonfly, Sympetrum striolatum, Martigues, France (2018)
Bee on a cherry tree blossom in Gyumri, Armenia
Pyrrhosoma nymphula (large red damselfly) Dortmund 2019 - most likely immature female
Coprosma hawk moth
Eine borstige Dolchwespe im Garten.
Zwei Marienkäfer bei der Paarung.
Einer von hunderten Käfern auf einer bereits völlig zerfressenen Hecke.[File:Ein_Käfer_beim_Fressen.jpg
Brachypelma klaasi in a vivarium in Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Lille, France
Wasserläufer auf dem Teich im Kurpark Bad Schlema in Sachsen.
Schmetterling Weisse Baumnymphe (Idea leuconoe) im botanischen Garten (Tropenhaus) in Chemnitz. Sachsen.
Hotel with wild bees in Paris
Vanessa Atalanta, Oberboihingen, Germany
Hemaris fuciformis, Veneto, Italia
Russischer Bär (Euplagia quadripunctaria)
Stripe bug (Graphosoma italicum)
Polyommatus icarus (Common blue) female
Groene keizersvlieg
Pyrrhocoris apterus forming a red collar to a statue
Pappelspanner - Laothoe populi
Feuerwanze auf unreifem Samenstand einer Stockrose
Argiope bruennichi (wasp spider)
Invasion of flies
migratory butterfly in Tanzania
Caterpillar (larval stage) of Cydalima perspectalis or box tree moth
Lépidoptère sur fleur
strange bugs
grasshopper in Singida, Tanzania
Melolontha melolontha (Feldmaikäfer) pair at Badberg, Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Grosser Wollschweber an einer kleinen Traubenhyazinthe
Holzbiene auf Mittagsblume
Schmetterling Tiger Blatt
Schmetterling Weisse Baumnymphe
Indian brown butterfly
green insect on green leaf
Pseudomallada sp. (Chrysopidae) insect, Lazio, Italy
Beautiful butterfly on flower
Осиное гнездо
Ванесса аталанта или адмирал
Ленточник тополёвый
Libelle auf Zweigspitze
Libelle Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer am Gartenteich
Indian brown butterfly
red tail dragon fly
yellow ladybirds
Somatochlora albicincta emerging from the nymph stage in Bowron Lake Provincial Park, BC
A bee on the flower
Flame Skimmer Dragonfly (Libellula saturata)
Moschusbock Käfer (Aromia moschata) auf einer Weide
Hainschwebfliege (Episyrphus balteatus) auf Blüte
Biene versunken in Blüte im Frühling in Norddeutschland (Schleswig-Holstein)
Amata phegea moth
Brachycera on Clathrus ruber mushroom
Chrysolina haemoptera
Hipparchia fagi on Fagus in Umbria, Italy
Carabus scabrosus tauricus
a bee on a dandelion
Accoppiamento di Iphiclides Podalirius
Insect on leaves
Insect on Asteraceae flower
Coccinelle et fourmi
Bumblebees foraging blue thistles in Vanoise National Park
Jewel bugs (Scutelleridae)
Amerikanische Kiefernwanze auf deutschem Balkon
Punk bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum), Lazio, Italy
Fly disguised as a wasp (Eupeodes, Syrphidae), Tuscany, Italy
Damselfly (Ischnura elegans, male) attracted by glitter, Tuscany, Italy
Melanoplus femurrubrum
Lophocampa maculata caterpillar
Melanoplus sanguinipes sanguinipes
Papilio epiphorbas at Madagascar
Chrysiridia rhipheus alive! there are million photos of this butterfly on internet but dead imago and this one of a alive specimen is the threest or the fourst, I think
an Aphaenogaster at Madagascar - may be Aphaenogaster swammerdami
Antherina suraka at Antananarivo
Louva-a-Deus, Louva-Deus ou Cavalinho-de-Deus, tirada em São Paulo,SP- Parque do Ibirapuera