Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Portugal

Official website:

This is a simplified version of the official site.
The rules presented here are a simplified version of the official version. In case of doubt or conflict, please refer to the official ones, as described on the official website.

1 June - 30 June 2024
Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Portugal

Wiki Loves Earth is an international photographic competition with the goal of promoting natural heritage. Participants will take pictures of local natural protected areas, and upload them to Wikimedia Commons. The aim of event is to highlight the Italian natural heritage with the goal to encourage people to capture pictures and to put them under a free licence which can the be re-used not only in Wikipedia but everywhere by everyone.

Join us contribute free-licensed photographs of Portugal natural heritage!

List of participating countries.


Find a protected area or monument, take a photo and upload it to Wikimedia Commons:

Find an object on the list!

Find natural heritage or monument
Over a thousand protected sites are here!

Capture Images
For example: Here are the uploads from previous events.

Upload your photograph of natural heritage.


The jury will choose the 15 best pictures to be send to the international round as well as the photographer that contributed pictures to the most protected areas or monuments and a special prize, The "Oceans” category.

Landscape” category

1st prize - 500€

2nd prize - 200€

3rd prize - 100€

Wildlife” category
1st prize - 200€

Competition rules

These are the rules to participate:
Photographs must be originals uploaded by their author to Wikimedia Commons.
Photographs must be uploaded between 1 June and 30 June 2024.
All photos must be under a free license
Participants must have an active email account.
Photographs must be linked by an ID to a protected area or monument as provided by the [1].
Geocoordinates must be indicated.
Make sure that there are no visible watermarks
All photos must have at least 2Mpx.

Next to that, there are a few practical rules and advice:
Sign in or Create a New Account on Wikimedia Commons
Name your photos well
Use the Find an object! button above or, if you already know the identifier of the depicted site you can Click here to upload the images
Share your upload success on social media with our hashtags: #WLEPortugal2024 #WLE2024.
And wait patiently for the results! All the best!

The Jury

THe jury will choose the 10 best pictures to be send to the international round as well as the photographer that contributed pictures to the most protected areas or monuments. It may issue a special prize.

Fotos form previous editions

These are the some photos from previous editions of Wiki Loves Earth Portugal.

No particular order

Intern 3
languages 2
os 15
text 1
web 2