Cyrillic writing
- See also: Cyrillic alphabet
- English: A gallery to display varieties of Cyrillic writing.
- Deutsch: Eine Sammlung von Bildern die die verschiedene Anwendungen von kyrillischer Schrift zeigen.
- Jèrriais: Eune gal'lie tchi mouontre des difféthentes manniéthes d'êcrithie en cyrillique.
1850s Romanian text (Lord's Prayer), written with Cyrillic script
Church Slavonic alphabet per Russian redaction
The Cyrillic alphabet on the birch bark N 591 from ancient Novgorod (Russia).
Name of sailing ship Kruzenshtern
Sailing ship Shtandart of Saint Petersburg
Картичка с петолиние на мелодията на старият български химн "Шуми Марица"
Insignia of a rank in the Serb Volunteer Guard
March of the discontented in Saint Petersburg
Lettering by Ivan Bilibin
Soviet mural inlay: Glory to Labour. In a Soviet railway station.
Russian tea brick money of Czar Nicholas II, dated 1891.
Russian rock group t-shirt
Russian marriage certificate (1907) for Warsaw
The caption on the t-shirt reads "Српски хероји", "Serbian heroes".
Communist Party of USSR membership card
Opening credits of the film Strike by Sergueï Eisenstein, 1925.
School-leaving certificate ("аттестат зрелости") of Anton Chekhov
Ukrainian t-shirts
Russian postbox
Ukrainian postbox
Post box, Moscow
Russian nobility confirmation
Карыкатура: «Далоў ганебны рыжскі падзел! Ніхай жыве вольная непадзельная селянская Беларусь!»
Museum exhibit. Palanok сastle. Mukacheve, Ukraine.
2 kopecks
Plaque, Cathedral of Saint Sophia. Polatsk, Belarus.
Tinkov Russian beer ad on Geary boulevard in San Francisco, CA, June 2000
Plaque, Church of Saint Anne. Varoncha, Belarus.
First page of the Statute of the Beer Lovers Party (Belarus).
Monument to persons lost in the Great Patriotic War. Labeyki, Belarus.
Belarus (presidential elections, 2006)
Meeting of opposition after presidental election. October square, Minsk, Belarus. March 21 2006
Steam locomotive EM 726-23. Asipovichy, Belarus.
Plaque commemorating citizens shot 1944, Zhukaw Barok, Belarus.
Independence day banner, Minsk
Referendum flyer and taxi route sign, Transnistria
Election info, Transnistria
Demonstration to make the Russian language official in Kharkiv
Demonstration in favor of Russian language, Chuhuiv (Kharkiv Oblast)
Chetnik flag
Long live free Ukraine
Decision of proclamation of the Constitution of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia
Banner from the demonstration in Red Square supporting the Prague spring, 1968
Nameplate of the MAVAG locomotive factory on diesel locomotive VME1 exported to USSR
Noticeboard of the Sofia university study theatre "Alma Alter"
Ticket for taking photos in St. Petersburg Metro
An example of modern Church Slavonic typography (Luke 20:20-26).
Russian exchange copy of the Treaty of Cession
A paragraph from Book Three, Chapter Three of The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, original edition in "The Russian Messenger"
Furniture factory, Rastorguyevsky lane, Moscow, 1900s
Text of the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Montenegro
Appeal to the Bulgarians of Macedonia to assist the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee
Menu, Moscow
Path to happiness is work (Gorky)
Announcement on coronation of Russian Emperor Alexander III
Announcement in Ukrainian re Babi Yar
Russian magazine Russkaja Starina. 1880
Aeroflot c.1920s
1842 map of Russia
Perm Governorate News (newspaper, 1838)
The lyrics of the Soviet Union Hymn (1944) in the Belarusian language.
Patent for the Medal "Hero of the USSR"
Позив от Врачанския революционен комитет към войниците, изпратени да потушат Септемврийското въстание.
State power is transferred into the hands of the Military Revolutionary Committee 1917
Announcement of death of Lenin
The bookcover of "Samostiyna Ukrayina" (Independent Ukraine), 1900
Проект Санкт-Петербургских водопроводов. 1858 г. Титульный лист.
Kazanie of Cyril, 1596
Tribunal of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilna
Grammatica printed in Mamonich print house, Vilna
Catechism printed in Niasvizh, Belarus
Bible printed by Francysk Skorina in 1517
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1588
Third Constituent Charter of the Belarusian Democratic Republic 1918
Advertising from 1929.
Christmas Stamp of Ukraine
Bandura player Potapenko
Kobzar, Kyiv (Printed postcard) 1925
Customs declaration, Ukraine
«Малая падарожная кніжыца», выдадзеная Францыскам Скарынам ў Вільні ў 1522 годзе
Political leaflet, Lviv, 2007
Publications of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
билет в троллейбусе Мариуполя - 2007
Soviet Decree on peace 1917
German propaganda 1941: "Do not shed your blood for Stalin!"
Cristall of NaI(Tl). Size 40x40 mm. USSR, 1964.
Hamlet, in Russian translation
Tram ticket from Kyiv (Dachnaya Line)
Tram ticket from Mariupol
Trolley ticket from Mariupol
Stari Melnik beer
Lidskoye beer (Lida, Belarus)
Tadzhik wine label
Lev Tolstoy, War and Peace
Иностранные концессии в народном хозяйстве СССР, 1928
Slavonic primer by Marko Teodorovich, Bulgarian from Razlog, 1792.
First page from the first edition of Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Front page of 1800 edition of the "Слово о полку Игореве"
Cover of "Folk songs of the Macedonian Bulgars" by Stefan Verkovic (1860).
Daily notes of the journey of Ivan Lepechin, through various provinces of the Russian state, in 1768 and 1769.
Page 149 from a 1900 Russian edition of Alfred Edmund Brehm's Tierleben.
Cover of first edition of "The Cavalry Maiden" (1836) by Nadezhda Durova (1783-1866).
Example of article from Explanatory Dictionary of the Live Great Russian language
Cover of Russian edition of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1892).
Cover of book by Belarusian poet Janka Kupala. Printed in Wilno (Vilnius) in 1919.
The cover page by Alexey Krouchyonykh for Vladimir Mayakovsky's "Stihi" book of poems.
Page from first Chuvash language book (1800).
English: The first printed book in Ossetic, published in 1798. The right column is in Ossetic.Русский: Первая печатная книга на осетинском языке (последний разворот с указанием выходных данных). Московская синодальная типография, 1798. Двуязычный текст в две колонки: правая — на осетинском.
Matija Divković's book written in bosančica script
The first chapters of Gospel of Luke printed in Vilna 1600.
Grammatica slovenska printed in Vilna 1596.
Extrait d'une version russe de Pan Tadeusz, d'Adam Mickiewicz, en orthographe russe antérieure à la réforme orthographique de 1917 (Saint Petersbourg, 1902).
Russian War statute of 1716 in Russian and German
Lithuanian prayer book "Auksa altorius" (Golden Altar) published in Cyrillic script by Tsarist authorities when Lithuanian press ban was instituted
Alexander Blok. Sedoe Utro, cover of book. 1920.
Сад пыток, Octave Mirbeau
Orientalised cyrillic book title: UKHTOMSKY, E. The Account of Travels Made by His Imperial Highness Tzesarevich to the East, 1890–1891
Russian Japonism with orientalised cyrillic: Обложка книги "Япония и японцы" 1902
Коронационный сборник 14 мая 1896 года
1898 Russian Empire 1 ruble bill
Soviet money bill, 1922
1961 Soviet Union 3 rubles bill
20 Yugoslav dinar (1974)
5 hryvnia banknote, Ukraine, 1992
Montenegrin Banknote of 20 Perper (1914)
Пяцьдзесят капеек. Разьліковы білет Нацыянальнага Банка Беларусі ўзору 1992 году. Зьнешняя старана.
Kyrgyzstan banknote
Russian banknote 1917
Chervonetz - early Soviet money bill, 1922
Pravda newspaper front page (around 1950s).
Pravda 1917
Newspapers of Russian minority in Ukraine
First issue of Ossetic language newspaper "Rastdzinad", 1923.
Izvestiya, 1917
Bulletin of the Opposition, reproduction of the first page of the first issue from July 1929
Dmitry Donskoy, Poster of 1914 (Donate warm clothes for wounded)
Elena the Beautiful poster of 4 October 1873
Poster for the 1926 Census in the Soviet Union
Soviet WWII propaganda poster
1917 Russian election poster
Theatre poster, Donetsk
Russian poster from 1895
German poster Serbia 1942
German poster Serbia 1943
Wrangel pster
1897 announcement for the first movie shown in Sofia, Bulgaria
Kazakhstan passport
An old passport of Montenegro, issued in 1887
Russian visa
Cover of the Soviet International (Foreign) Passport
Belarus visa
Russian passport
Belarus passport
Emblem of the Russian Imperial University in Warsaw (1870-1915)
Русский: Логотип Виртуального Оператора Сотовой связи "Просто для общения"
Młyny (Poland), the tomb of Werbycki – the author of the Ukrainian national anthem.
Мемориальная доска в Бендерах
Мемориальная табличка на площади святого Апостола Андрея Первозванного, Батайск
grave of Mily Balakirev.
Обелиск. Троице-Сергиева лавра. Сергиев Посад, Россия.
Fresco on Voroneţ church, Romania
Plaque on cruiser Aurora
Monument to the Serbo-Bulgarian War of 1885, Tran, Bulgaria.
Soviet monument commemorating the meeting of US and Soviet troops in Torgau, Saxony (Germany)
Commemorative plaque in Taganrog, for Russian playwright, poet and statesman Nestor Kukolnik in 1857-1868
Notice about Pinus heldreichii 1300 years old - Pirin mountain in Bulgaria
Russian 107 mm M1910 gun, displayed in Hämeenlinna Artillery Museum
Monument to the Unknown Soldier, Sofia
Small wooden Greek Catholic church in Rudka near Przeworsk, Poland. Inscription over the front door.
Despot's inscription on a small town tower in Smederevo Fortress.
grave of Gerasim Lebedev.
St Nicholas church from Braşov
St Nicholas church from Braşov
Stavropigia Institution building in Lviv
Commemorative plaque in Alexander Matrosov street in Saint-Petersburg
Moscow Metro station Avtozavodskaya, memorial for victims of the 2004 bombing
Monument to victims of Kurenivka mudslide in Kyiv
Allied Memorial Park of Zeitenlik in Salonica. The Serbian Cenotaph
Plaque for Lenin's travel to Russia via Tornio in 1917
Tablet dedicated to Nikolay Mamonov on the railway station in Mamonovo, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia.
Plaque in Donetsk
Plaque which marks the place of the Sava Gate in Belgrade.
Памятная доска К. Чуковского (Санкт-Петербург, Манежный пер., 6).
Табличка на Спасо-Преображенском соборе (Санкт-Петербург)
Plaque to victims of KGB repression (in Ukrainian)
Plaque in Donetsk
Beslan Monument, Saint Petersburg
69 школа в Донецке имени Жердева
Deutsch: Gedächtnistafel zum Gedenken an die Völkerschlacht mit russischer Inschrift rechts neben dem Kirchenportal
Temnic inscription from X-XI century.
Entrance to the village of Razhevo, Plovdiv Province, Bulgaria
Memorial about en:Siege of Leningrad, St. Peterburg, Nevsky prospect, 14
Signs in Mongolian at Ulaanbaatar airport
Russian and Mongolian train destination board
Pizza Hut, Moscow
Metal factory, Mariupol
Cinema in Moscow
The entrance gate and main building of Sofia Technical University.
Odesa market
Peter I house. Polatsk, Belarus.
Кинотеатр «Победа», Минск
Караганде в феврале 1934 года присвоен статус города - Arabic-style Cyrillic lettering in Karaganda
Kinopalats cinema chain (Ukraine)
Донецк. Дворец спорта Шахтёр
Arbat, Moscow
Sberbank, Russia
Grave of Askold, Kyiv
Аншлаг строительства Церкови во имя Державной иконы Божией Матери (Санкт-Петербург)
Bank, Moscow
Cinema "Udarnik" in Moscow
Театр Юнного Зрителя (ТЮЗ), Санкт-Петербург
Зимна Вода (Polish Zimna Woda), means Cold Water, village in Ukraine near Lviv
Entrance to Zakarpattia Oblast / Oblast Transkarpatien, Ukraine, from Ivano-Frankivsk on route P 03, Jablunicja-pass, 931 meters above sea level
Кинотеатр «Баррикады», Moscow
Кинотеатр «Киноцентр», Moscow
Signs in Lviv
Шильда военно-дипломатической миссии БНР в Латвии и Эстонии
Sign, Checkpoint Charlie
Sign, Checkpoint Charlie
Priazovye State Technical University Mariupol (Ukraine)
Entrance to Azovstal Park Mariupol (Ukraine)
Entrance to City Garden Mariupol (Ukraine)
Sofiyivsky Park
Entrance of the Kaliningrad Zoo, Russia.
Donetsk German POW cemetery
Entrance to the Ayu-Dag mountain, Crimea
Волгоцеммаш, Тольятти, Россия
The house of the war hero Mansuzi Wanahun in Milyanfan village, Kyrgyzstan, displays a bilingual sign in Dungan and Russian.
Signs on the street corner in Milyanfan village, Kyrgyzstan. On the right, Lenin St is labeled in Dungan; on the left, Lineiny Lane is labeled in Kyrgyz.
A Kazakh let speak with a Kazakh in the Kazakh language
Signage in Sofia Metro
Lviv Suburban Rail Terminal, Ukraine
Дицяча залізниця. Ужгород, Україна.
Название станции московского метро Академическая на путевой стене
Electronic display, Moscow Metro station Kievskaya
Tram stop in Moscow
Moscow Metro
Moscow Metro sign
Kazan Metro sign in Russian and Tatar
Kazan Metro sign in Tatar and Russian
sign in Kyiv Metro
Lukianivska station of the Kyiv Metro
Grammar mistake on a road sign in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Цэнтральны аўтавакзал. Менск, Беларусь.
Saint Petersburg Metro signs
Станция метро «Ломоносовская». Название.
Станция метро «Академическая».
Станция метро «Академическая».
Bishkek train station
Tram AKCM-60102 in Minsk
AKCM-333 trolleybus in Minsk
Автобус Mercedes Travego
Street signs
Street sign in Novi Sad
Street plates showing current and former names of the Svetogorska street in Belgrade.
Name plate of 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Moscow, Russia
Табличка с описанием происхождения названия переулка в Петровском переулке, Москва
Street named after Sanjaasurengiin Zorig
Banja Luka
Serbian Cyrillic/English street sign for sightseeing in Belgrade Centre
Bilingual sign in Ufa
Russian and Kazakh shopping signage
A MegaFon shop in Moscow
Eurocet, Russia
Soviet shop in Milovice 1985
Ramstor hypermarket
Магазин "Мелодия" на просп. Победы Мариуполь (Украина)
A Pyatyorochka supermarket in Moscow
Russian signage in Cyprus
Строящийся супермаркет "Шериф" в центре Бендер
Bureau de change, telecoms, travel tickets: Moscow
Lublin supermarket, Brest (Gothic-style script)
Chongarsky boulevard
Art Nouveau lettering on Singer House, Saint Petersburg
Singer House, Saint Petersburg
Theatre, Kazakhstan
Central book store. Minsk, Belarus.
"Apranajka" store, Minsk, Belarus.
Verkhovna Rada, Parliament of Ukraine, Kyiv
Little City Theatre "Off the Channel", Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia puppet theatre, Gurko Street, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia Municipal Theatre "Vuzrajdane", housed in the building of the Sofia Library, Slaveikov square, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian army Theatre, Rakovska Street, Sofia, Bulgaria
The letter on the birch bark N 109 from ancient Novgorod (Russia).
First known russian manuscript Ostromir Gospel.
Serbian Cyrillic alphabet in cursive
Russian cursive
Detail from the 2003 twenty-hryvnia note, showing the fragment of Franko's handwriting in the Drahomanivka alphabet.
Ninth draft of the beginning of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace
Reichstag: Russian graffiti
Letter of Goce Delcev to Nikola Maleshevski, an activist of IMARO
A letter of Mussorgsky to Stasov in which he writes about his progress in composing Pictures at the Exhibition.
Bulgarian Sofia Psalter, 1337.
Сочинение о Московском государстве в середине xvii столетия Григория Котошихина Автограф Скоропись xvii века
Lenin's signature
Soviet WWII propaganda poster
The signature of Apollon Maykov (1821–1897), Russian poet.
Vladimir L. Komarov (1869-1945), Russian botanist, signature
Handwritten message on photo, Irina Baronova
First page of the Tarnovo Constitution
Telegram from the Provisional government in Plovdiv to Knyaz Alexander I proclaiming the Unification of Bulgaria, 6 September 1885.
Proposal for a parliamentary decision envisaging membership of Bulgaria in the European Union voted by the VII Grand National Assembly of Bulgaria on 22 December 1990
Signature of Khmelnytsky
Bulgarian signatures
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's signature
Postcard 1907
Vitosha Charter of Ivan Shishman of Bulgaria
Corfu Declaration 1917
Padlock, Odesa
Дневник Валеры Сухова. 10 лет. Музей блокады Ленинграда
Messages left behind by fallen Soviet soldiers are engraved at this "Memorial for the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic"
Letter signed (1744) by A. Hanibal, the great grandfather of the poet A. S. Pushkin, during his period as governor of Reval (Tallinn) 1742-52.
Письмо Наримана Нариманова В. И. Ленину о генералах русской армии С. Мехмандарове и А. Шихлинском. 1920 г.
Прошение о разрешении устроить водокачальню
Russian birth certificate of Michael Lucas
1942 postcard
Писмо от българската община в село Палиор, Кайлярско до емборчанина Христо Върбенов с молба за парична помощ
Letter by Tsar Peter I. to Natalya Kirillovna in 1689. Still, the font resembles very much to Greek uncial types.
Neacşu's Letter, written in 1512, is the oldest surviving document available in Romanian.
Лист документа о переделе меди в монету. Первая четверть XVIII века
Copy of Yiddish play "Fanatik" written by A. Goldfadn
Переяслав-Хмельницький, табличка на місці давнього Михайлівського собору
Zvezda, Srbija, Kosovo, Metohija mural at Stadion Crvena Zvezda in Belgrade
Graffiti, Moscow
Српски / srpski: Графит Лешинара у Борику
English: Shut up, bitch, your day is March 8th
Graffiti in Russia
Beria's letter to Stalin and the Politburo
Decree about creation of Spartak society, 19 April 1935
list of 346 persons to be executed. Stalin's resolution: "за" (affirmative) January 1940
1953. By this Soviet government Ukaz, Lidiya Timashuk was awarded with the Order of Lenin
1943 document on federal principle of Yugoslavia
1945 Soviet report
Letter from Gorky to Stalin
Ecclesiastical script
Jesse (father to king David), Russian icon from first quarter of C18th
First page of Macarie's «Liturghier»
Воронеж, ворота Алексеево-Акатова монастыря
Обратная сторона фотокарточек Левицкого