Illyria and Illyrians
classical region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula
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Illyria and the Illyrians was the ancient region and peoples in the south of Europe. (see also Ancient Greece & ancient Greeks, Dacia and Dacians & Ancient Thrace and ancient Thracians)
In Greek Mythology
Origin by Cadmus
Origin by Polyphemus
Prehistoric & Archeological
(1000 BC) Prehistoric, migrations in Europe (including migration of precursors of Illyrians)
Ethnogenesis of the Illyrians
Sites and Cultures of Prehistoric Illyrians by Wilkes
Sites and Cultures of Prehistoric Illyrians
Sites and Cultures of Prehistoric Illyrians (another version)
300 BC Iron Age Glasinac culture
Linguistic Maps
3rd millenium BC, according to Georgiev
500 to 100 BC Paleo-Balkan languages in Eastern Europe
Pre-Roman conquest (up to 167 BC)
800-501 BC Mediterranean
509 BC Mediterranean
Approximate Extent of the Illyrian Territories
Simple Map of Illyrians, Illyria Barbara, Illyria Graeca, Illyrians Proper and Environs
550 BC Balkans
550 BC Illyrian colonies in Italy
500 BC World map
400 BC eastern hemisphere
301 BC Adriatic coast, Glaucias of Taulanti
290 BC Adriatic coast, unknown Polydynastae
280 BC Adriatic coast, unknown Polydynastae
270 BC Adriatic coast, perhaps Mytilus
260 BC Adriatic coast, Pleuratus II of the Ardiaei
250 BC Southern borders of Illyria with the Antigonids
240 BC Southern borders of Illyria with the Antigonids
Illyrian Kingdom of Agron of the Ardiaei (250 BC - 231 BC).
(250 BC - 231 BC) Kingdom of Agron [svg]
250 BC Adriatic coast, Pleuratus II to Agron
240 BC Adriatic coast, Agron
237 BC Adriatic coast, Agron
Illyrian Kingdom of Teuta of the Ardiaei (230 BC - 228 BC).
(230-228 BC) Kingdom of Teuta of the Ardiaei [svg]
230 BC Kingdoms of Illyria & Dardania
230 BC Adriatic coast, Agron to Teuta
230 BC Kingdoms in the region
Kingdoms of Illyria and Dardania in the 3rd century BC (around 230 BC)
228 BC Ardiaean & Dardanian kingdoms, Demetrius of Pharos & Longarus
228 BC Adriatic coast, Demetrius of Pharos
226 BC Adriatic coast, Demetrius of Pharos
Roman Client state governed by Demetrius of Pharos (228 - 220 BC)
Roman Client state governed by Demetrius of Pharos (228 - 220 BC) [svg]
220 BC Adriatic coast, Demetrius of Pharos
210 BC Adriatic coast, Scerdilaidas
201 BC Adriatic coast, Pleuratus III
220 BC Map of Europe
218 BC Map of the Mediterranean
200 BC Hellenistic era kingdoms
(181-167 BC) Kingdom of Gentius [svg]
Greek cities in the Adriatic coast (Illyria). Pre-Roman conquest
1877 Map from Illyria to Germania
Maps of Tribes
Approximate Extent of the Illyrian Territories
Simple Map of Illyrians, Illyria Barbara, Illyria Graeca, Illyrians Proper and Environs
Northwester Greeks and Southern Illyrians
Map of Illyria from a 1825 map
Illyrian tribes in antiquity
Illyrian tribes in antiquity (svg)
Illyrian tribes in antiquity
Die Illyrischen Stamme
South Illyria & Environs
South Illyria & Environs
Illyrian tribes in antiquity
Illyrian tribes in antiquity
Ilira plemena Mapa
Northwester Greeks and Southern Illyrians (anachronistic)
Contact Zone Map
5th century BC
5th century BC
1st century AD
1st century AD
Dardania (4th to mid-2nd century BC)
(400 BC onwards) Dardania prior to Roman conquest
(393 BC-358 BC) Dardania during the reign of Bardylis
(335 BC-295 BC) Dardania during the reign of Cleitus (Dardania)
(295 BC-290 BC) Dardania during the reign of Bardyllis II
(290 BC-270 BC) Dardania during the reign of Monunius I
(270–231 BC) Dardania during the reign of Mytilus (Dardania)
(231–206 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(206–176 BC) Dardania during the reign of Bato (Dardanian chieftain)
(176–167 BC) Dardania during the reign of Monunius II
(230 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(230 BC) Kingdoms of Illyria & Dardania
(228 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(228 BC) Ardiaean & Dardanian kingdoms, Demetrius of Pharos & Longarus
(226 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(220 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(210 BC) Dardania during the reign of Longarus
(201 BC) Dardania during the reign of Bato
Dardanian Kingdom in relation to later Roman Provinces
Map of Illyris Deserta (anachronistic)
Kingdom of Dardania in the 3rd-1st century BC
Locator Maps
editPost-Roman conquest (168 BC onwards)
Illyria during Third Macedonian War, (171 BC - 168 BC)
Celtic and Illyrian tribes in the Illyria, c. 50 BC
The Great Illyrian revolt, 6-9 AD
Tribes in Illyricum and environs during AD 6 the year of the Great Illyrian revolt.
The Dalmatian-Pannonian Revolt 7 AD
The Dalmatian-Pannonian Revolt 8 AD
The Dalmatian-Pannonian Revolt 9 AD
Roman era Balkans
Roman era Balkans
Illyricum & Pannonia as a Roman provice
Illyricum a Roman province
The location of the Albanoi tribe 150 AD in the Roman province of Macedon, Albanopolis may have been in the same location
The expansion of the Greek region of Epirus into Illyria and modern states. Roman province of Epirus nova or Illyria Graeca
(svg) The expansion of the Greek region of Epirus into Illyria and modern states. Roman province of Epirus nova or Illyria Graeca
Illyrians and Dalmatia
Romanized and Hellenized Illyria & Dalmatia Map
Historical map of Illyricum
1578 AD map of Roman Illyria, Pannonia, Liburnia & Dalmatia
1598 AD map of Roman Illyria, Pannonia, Liburnia & Dalmatia
Roman Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum, 4th century, Capital at Sirmium
Roman Praetorian Prefecture of Illyricum, 4th century
Roman Praetorian Prefecture of Illyricum, 4th century
Roman Praetorian prefecture of Illyricum, 395 AD, Capital at Thessalonica
Ancient Greek & Roman cities (anachronistic)
Illyris Graeca or Epirus Nova
Epirus Nova in a Kulakovskij map
The extent of Illyria Graeca
The extent of Illyria Graeca
Epirus Nova in Illyricum
Thracia Macedonia & Illyris Graeca
Illyris Graeca from Orbis terrarum antiquus
Simple reproduction of 1861 map
150 AD
The expansion of the Greek region of Epirus into Illyria and modern states. Roman province of Epirus nova or Illyria Graeca
(svg) The expansion of the Greek region of Epirus into Illyria and modern states. Roman province of Epirus nova or Illyria Graeca
Romanized and Hellenized Illyria & Dalmatia Map
Provinces during Diocletian's rule
1898 map from Atlas Orbis Antiqui
Roman Dardania
Historical map of Dardania
Historical map of Dardania
150 AD
Dardania in the Roman province of Moesia Superior
Dardania in the Roman province of Moesia Superior from and old 1886 map
Dardania in the Roman province of Moesia Superior from an old 1820 map
Dardania in the Roman province of Moesia Superior from an old 1830 map
Dardania in the Roman province of Moesia Superior from an old 1865 map
Roman province of Dardania, 4th century
Roman province of Dardania in the Late Roman Empire
Dardania province within Byzantine Empire (6th century)
Material Culture
Replica of Hallstatt culture belt
Illyrian/Venetic/Celtic warrior, 400 BC
Hallstatt culture Bronze belt plaque from Vače, Slovenia, 400 BC
Hallstatt culture Bronze belt plaque from Vače, Slovenia, 400 BC
Hallstatt culture Bronze belt plaque from Vače, Slovenia, 400 BC
Hallstatt culture Bronze belt plaque from Vače, Slovenia, 400 BC
Adriatic type bronze axe from Montenegro -1500 BC to 500 BC
Illyrian footman (wearing a disc and stud helmet), up to 200 BC
Illyrian footman, up to 200 BC
Illyrian pot helmet with plume
Illyrian king with sica
Illyrian king or noble, up to 100 BC
Illyrian noble footman
Illyrian type helmet from Montenegro, 400 BC
Ancient Greek helmet: A) Illyrian type and B) Corinthian type.
Design of ship incised on bronze greaves from Glasinac
Ruins of Apollonia, an ancient Greek colony
Ruins of Apollonia, an ancient Greek colony
The walls of Daorson, a Hellenistic city in Illyria
Hellenistic Illyrian cavalryman from Dalmatia
Sica, principal melee weapon of the Illyrians
Illyrian pelte, Hellenistic era
Modern usage of the name
Illyrian regiment of the Banatian Military Frontier, 18th-19th century
Illyrian Provinces of the French Empire in 1810
Illyrian Provinces of the French Empire in 1811
Kingdom of Illyria within Austrian Empire (1818)
Kingdom of Illyria within Austrian Empire (1822-1849)
Kingdom of Illyria within Austrian Empire (1822-1849)
Proposal for the enlarged Kingdom of Illyria (1848)