Lateral moraines
Deutsch: Als Seitenmöränen werden die von einem Gletscher abgelagerten Schuttmassen bezeichnet, die sich seitlich der eigentlichen Ausbreitungsrichtung des Gletschers abgelagert haben. Anhand ihrer Höhe lässt sich die Stärke der Vereisung rekonstruieren.
English: Lateral moraines are parallel ridges of debris deposited along the sides of a glacier. The unconsolidated debris can be deposited on top of the glacier by frost shattering of the valley walls and/or from tributary streams flowing into the valley. The till is carried along the glacial margin until the glacier melts. Because lateral moraines are deposited on top of the glacier, they do not experience the postglacial erosion of the valley floor and therefore, as the glacier melts, lateral moraines are usually preserved as high ridges.
Français : Moraines latérales
Íslenska: Jaðarurðir
Diagrams of lateral moraines
Postglacial landscape with glacial lakes and lateral moraines
Cross section of a glacial valley with moraines
Aerial views of lateral moraines
Mount Katmai, Alaska
Kluane Icefield, Canada
Active lateral moraines
At a valley glacier in the Tian Shan mountain range, Kyrgyzstan
Moraine with receding glacier, Pakistan
Piz Ela, Switzerland
Upper Engadin, Switzerland: Another receding glacier
Chitral, Pakistan
Inactive lateral moraines
Lateral moraine in France
Chaos de Targasonne, Pyrenées-Orientales, France
See also: Moraine, Terminal moraines