Leopard 2
Italiano: Il carro armato Leopard 2, il principale MBT tedesco, comparabile con l'M1 Abrams americano al Challenger 2 britannico o al Leclerc francese
Português: O Leopard 2 é um carro de combate alemão, comparável ao M1 Abrams e Leclerc
Español: El Leopard 2 es un principal tanque de batalla alemán, comparable a la M1 Abrams y Leclerc
Nāhuatl: Ihning Leopard 2 svoi käxieriliezersksyih Gauveikmästsyih Tênk röh Têütonlärpfeing, veiskh schyä ieng M1 Abrams auh ieng Leclerc
Aymar aru: Brek Leopard 2 sryenk vbiryayzd Aliymanyahwlingkyu vspoiztst vebensaerdshth tengkz, geyasagnyay vpo ruwk M1 Abrams ezklwoi ruwkniyu Leclerc
Français : Le Leopard 2 est un char d'assaut allemand, comparable au M1 Abrams et Leclerc
Suomi: Leopard 2 on Saksan tärkein Battle Tank, verrattavissa M1 Abrams ja Leclerc
Íslenska: The Leopard 2 er þýska helstu bardaga tankur, sambærileg M1 Abrams og Leclerc
Türkçe: Leopard 2 Alman bir ana muharebe tankı, M1 Abrams ve Leclerc ile karşılaştırılabilecek
Dansk: Leopard 2 er en tysk vigtigste kamp tank, svarende til M1 Abrams og Leclerc
Polski: Leopard 2 to niemiecki czołg, porównywalne do M1 Abrams i Leclerc
Nederlands: De Leopard 2 is een Duitse tank, vergelijkbaar met M1 Abrams en Leclerc
Svenska: Leopard 2 är en tysk stridsvagn, jämförbar med M1 Abrams och Leclerc
Norsk bokmål: Leopard 2 er en tysk Main Battle Tank, kan sammenlignes med M1 Abrams og Leclerc
Afrikaans: Die Leopard 2 is 'n duits belangrikste veldslag tenk, vergelykbaar met die M1 Abrams en Leclerc
Bahasa Indonesia: The Leopard 2 adalah tank tempur utama jerman, sebanding dengan M1 Abrams dan Leclerc
Tiếng Việt: The Leopard 2 là một trận chiến xe tăng Đức chính, so sánh với M1 Abrams và Leclerc
Русский: Леопард-2 - немецкий основной боевой танк, сопоставимый с M1 Abrams и Леклерк
ไทย: เสือ 2 เป็น ถัง ศึก เยอรมัน หลัก เปรียบ กับ M1 Abrams และ Leclerc
日本語: レオパルド2ドイツの主力戦車、M1エイブラムスやルクレールに匹敵する
中文:豹2(Leopard 2)是德國聯邦國防軍的主戰坦克,設計始於1960年代末期由克勞斯-馬斐(Krauss-Maffei)製造。主要技術源於當時的西德和美國的MBT-70/KPZ70計劃。豹2的主要特點是在率先使用了120毫米口徑主炮、1,500匹馬力柴油發動機、液壓傳動系統、高效能冷卻系統和指揮儀式火控系統。成為西方國家的主流坦克。多次在加拿大陸軍杯(CAT)比賽中奪冠,其設計思想影響了多個國家的主戰坦克的設計。
العربية: ليوبارد 2 الألمانية هي الدبابة القتالية الرئيسية ، مماثلة لأبرامز M1 ولوكلير
فارسی: پلنگ 2 آلمانی تانک نبرد اصلی ، قابل مقایسه با M1 Abrams و Leclerc است
עברית: הנמר 2 הוא טנק המערכה העיקרי גרמנית, להשוות M1 אברהמס ו לקלרק
ייִדיש: די לעפּערד 2 איז אַ דייַטש הויפּט שלאַכט טאַנק, פאַרגלייכלעך צו מ1 אַבראַמס און לעקלערק
EMES 15 and PERI-R 17 main sight
EMES 15 thermal image, 4x magnification
EMES 15 thermal image, 12x magnification with sight designed to engage enemy _targets
EMES 15 dayvision optics, 12x magnification with sight designed to engage enemy _targets
A view through PERI-R 17, the tank commander's observation and _targetting periscope of Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2A5DK MBT
Leopard 2A5DK MBT
Leopard 2A5 bei einem Manöver in Deutschland
Leopard 2A5 bei einem Manöver in Polen
Leopard 2A4 of the Finnish Defence Forces
Leopard 2A4
editLeopard 2A0, Leopard 2A1, Leopard 2A2, Leopard 2A3
editLeopard 2A4
Leopard 2A4 loading onto a carrier
Leopard 2A4, gemischtes PzBtl 341, PzBrig 34 Koblenz, 12. Panzerdivision Veitshöchheim, 1991
Leopard 2 A4 in Repair hall
Leopard 2 Motor und Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2 Motor
Richtschützenplatz Leopard 2A4
Ladeschützenplatz Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2A4 im Panzermuseum Munster
Leopard 2A5
Leopard 2A5 front view
angled arrow-shaped turret appliqué armour
Leopard 2A5
Leopard 2A5 with KADAG
Demonstration of two German Army Leopard 2 crossing waters
Leopard 2A6 and 2A6M
Leopard 2A6 des Ausbildungszentrums in Munster
Leopard 2A6 with new smoke dispenser and heavy Side skirts from Leopard 2A4
Leo2A6M (left)
Leo2A6M (right)
Leopard 2A6M
Leopard 2A6 des Panzerbataillons 104
Leopard 2 A6M A3
Leopard 2A7 und 2A7V
Leopard 2A7 (right)
Leopard 2A7
Leopard 2 A7V
Leopard 2 PSO prototype
Leopard 2 PSO
Leopard 2 Prototype Eurosatory 2006
Leopard 2 PSO prototype in Munich, 2008, turret details
Leopard 2 PSO prototype in Munich, 2008, back
Leopard 2 PSO prototype in Munich, 2008, front
Leopard 2 PSO prototype in Munich, 2008, front view
Bergepanzer Büffel
Bergepanzer Büffel, based on Leopard 2
Bergepanzer Büffel, rechte Seite
Bergepanzer Büffel, Heckansicht
Panzerschnellbrücke 2
Panzerschnellbrücke 2 based on Leopard 2
Fahrschulpanzer Leopard 2
Fahrschulpanzer Leopard 2
120 mm DM11 Mehrzweckmunition
DM12 (links und mitte), DM13 (rechts)
KE Geschosse DM13 bis DM53 bzw. 63
Bundeswehr 120 mm Leopard Munition
Leopard 2A6HEL (March 2008)
Leopard 2A6HEL (March 2008)
Dutch Leopard 2 in Yugoslavia
Niederlande Leopard 2A6
Niederlande Leopard 2A6
Transportation of Dutch Leopard 2A6 through Germany
Leopard 2A4 of the Polish Army
Leopard 2A4
Leopard 2A5
Leopard 2A5
Spanish Leopard 2E during the National Day Parade in Madrid, 2006
View of the uparmoured mantlet of a Spanish Leopard 2E
Leopard 2E offloading from a truck, Madrid 2006
View of the side turret of a Leopard 2E
Spanish Army's Leopard 2E in Zaragoza, Spain, 2008-06-01
Leopard 2A4
Swedish Strv 121 (Leopard 2A4 Variante)
Swedish Strv 122
Swedish Strv 122
Swedish Strv 122
Swedish Strv 122
Ukrainian 33rd Mechanized Brigade Leopard 2A4 MBT fitted with Kontakt-1 ERA and rubber armor
Tank crew and Ukrainian Leopard 2A4, 33rd Mechanized Brigade