genus of birds
IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Passeriformes • Subordo: Passeri • Infraordo: Passerida • Superfamilia: Sylvioidea • Familia: Pycnonotidae • Genus: Pycnonotus Boie, 1826
- English: Bulbuls
Wikispecies has an entry on:
- P. atriceps, P. aurigaster, P. barbatus, P. bimaculatus, P. blanfordi, P. brunneus, P. cafer, P. capensis, P. cinereifrons, P. cyaniventris, P. dispar, P. dodsoni, P. erythropthalmos, P. eutilotus, P. finlaysoni, P. flavescens, P. flaviventris, P. fuscoflavescens, P. goiavier, P. gularis, P. hualon, P. jocosus, P. leucogenys, P. leucogrammicus, P. leucotis, P. luteolus, P. melanicterus, P. melanoleucos, P. montis, P. nieuwenhuisii, P. nigricans, P. penicillatus, P. plumosus, P. priocephalus, P. simplex, P. sinensis, P. somaliensis, P. squamatus, P. striatus, P. taivanus, P. tricolor, P. tympanistrigus, P. urostictus, P. xantholaemus, P. xanthopygos, P. xanthorrhous, P. zeylanicus
- English: Black-headed Bulbul
- français: Bulbul cap-nègre
- magyar: Feketefejű bülbül
- Nederlands: Zwartkopbuulbuul
- polski: Bilbil czarnogłowy
- русский: Черноголовый бюльбюл
- 中文: 黑头鹎
- English: Sooty-headed Bulbul
- français: Bulbul cul d'or
- English: Common Bulbul
- Deutsch: Graubülbül
- français: Bulbul des jardins
- English: Orange-spotted Bulbul
- français: Bulbul bimaculé
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Red-eyed Bulbul
- français: Bulbul aux yeux rouges
- magyar: Vörösszemű bülbül
- Bahasa Melayu: Burung Merbah Mata Merah
- polski: bilbil jednobarwny
- English: Red-vented Bulbul
- Deutsch: Rußbülbül
- français: Bulbul à ventre rouge
- English: Cape Bulbul
- Afrikaans: Kaapse tipto
- français: Bulbul du Cap
- magyar: Fokföldi bülbül
- polski: Bilbil białooki
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Spectacled Bulbul
- français: Bulbul œil-de-feu
- Bahasa Melayu: Burung Merbah Kecil
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Stripe-throated Bulbul
- français: Bulbul de Finlayson
- magyar: Csíkostorkú bülbül
- Bahasa Melayu: Burung Merbah Tengkuk Belang
- polski: bilbil złotolicy
- 中文: 纹喉鹎
- English: Flavescent Bulbul
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Yellow-vented Bulbul
- français: Bulbul goiavier
- polski: Bilbil ubogi
- English: Flame-throated Bulbul
- français: Bulbul à gorge rubis
- English: Bare-faced Bulbul
- français: Bulbul hualon
- English: Red-whiskered Bulbul
- Deutsch: Rotohrbülbül
- français: Bulbul orphée
- polski: Bilbil zbroczony
- 中文(简体): 红耳鹎
- 中文(繁體): 紅耳鵯
- English: Himalayan Bulbul
- français: Bulbul à joues blanches
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: White-eared Bulbul
- فارسی: بلبل خرما
- français: Bulbul à oreillons blancs
- magyar: Fehérarcú bülbül
- polski: Bilbil białouchy
- English: White-browed Bulbul
- français: Bulbul à sourcils blancs
- magyar: Barnásfehér bülbül
- polski: Bilbil białobrewy
- English: Black-crested Bulbul
- français: Bulbul à tête noire
- മലയാളം: മണികണ്ഠൻ പക്ഷി
- polski: bilbil czarnoczuby
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Black-fronted Bulbul
- Afrikaans: Rooioogtiptol
- Deutsch: Maskenbülbül
- français: Bulbul brunoir
- English: Yellow-eared Bulbul
- Deutsch: Schmuckbülbül
- français: Bulbul oreillard
Pycnonotus penicillatus and Turdoides rufescens
- English: Olive-winged Bulbul
- français: Bulbul aux ailes olive
- English: Grey-headed Bulbul
- Deutsch: Graukopfbülbül
- français: Bulbul colombar
- magyar: Szürkefejű bülbül
- polski: bilbil szarogłowy
- English: Cream-vented Bulbul
- français: Bulbul aux yeux blancs
- polski: Bilbil okularowy
- English: Light-vented Bulbul
- français: Bulbul de Chine
- magyar: Kerti bülbül
- 日本語: シロガシラ
- polski: Bilbil chiński
- 中文(繁體): 白頭翁
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Styan's Bulbul or Taiwan Bulbul
- français: Bulbul de Taiwan
- polski: bilbil tajwański
- 中文(繁體): 烏頭翁
- English: Dark-capped Bulbul
- français: Bulbul tricolore
- polski: Bilbil okopcony
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
No common name has yet been provided in this gallery
- English: Yellow-throated Bulbul
- Deutsch: Goldkehlbülbül
- français: Bulbul à menton jaune
- English: White-spectacled Bulbul
- français: Bulbul d'Arabie
- עברית: בולבול צהוב-שת
- polski: Bilbil arabski
- русский: Желтопоясничный бюльбюль
- English: Brown-breasted Bulbul
- français: Bulbul à poitrine brune
- magyar: Barnamellű bülbül
- polski: Bilbil białogardły
- 中文: 黄臀鹎
- English: Straw-headed Bulbul
- Deutsch: Gelbscheitelbülbül
- français: Bulbul à tête jaune
- magyar: Sárgafejű bülbül
- Bahasa Indonesia: Cucak rawa
- Jawa: Cucakrawa
- Bahasa Melayu: Burung Barau-barau
- polski: Bilbil żółtogłowy
- 中文: 黃冠鵯
More than one species
1.Pycnonotus gabonensis = Pycnonotus barbatus gabonensis Sharpe, 1871
2. [Pycnonotus] tricolor = Pycnonotus tricolor (Hartlaub, 1862)
3. [Pycnonotus] barbatus = Pycnonotus barbatus barbatus (Desfontaines, 1789)English: Adults of Black-capped Bulbul (top, bottom) and Dark-capped Bulbul (center)