Uploads by Geraldstiehler~commonswiki

This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
18:46, 4 September 2011 2011-07 Mainzer Dom.jpg (file) 4.58 MB  
22:40, 11 May 2005 Eft punkte.jpg (file) 42 KB EFT-Punkte
08:56, 7 March 2005 IanMcKellen.jpg (file) 58 KB Sir Ian Mc Kellen
22:34, 27 February 2005 Elijahwood b.jpg (file) 45 KB Actor Elijah Wood
20:54, 30 January 2005 Glamdring.jpg (file) 80 KB Glamdring - Sword of Gandalf
11:00, 27 January 2005 Narsil andúril final.jpg (file) 397 KB Narsil / Andúril - final version with different engraving