Uploads by Tripallokavipasek

This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
07:30, 24 April 2024 ChatGPT - Català.png (file) 95 KB Uploaded own work with UploadWizard
09:44, 2 April 2024 Jetcrosssection.svg (file) 95 KB I've added the catalan version of texts
13:07, 25 November 2023 Earth-crust-cutaway ca.svg (file) 42 KB Hi afegeixo profunditats i gruixos. Milloro la visualització: Gruixos escorça i color fons mar; posicionament rètols "No a escala" i "A escla"; colors i aliniaments capes
13:00, 25 November 2023 Geologic Clock with events and periods ca.svg (file) 28 KB Canvi etiqueta "Dinosaures" i afegida llegenda
08:24, 10 January 2023 Matas Viquipèdia apaisada.png (file) 377 KB Nova fotografia 2022, vertical
09:22, 14 January 2021 Tchernobyl radiation 1996-ca.svg (file) 419 KB Correcció error lingüístic
14:08, 11 December 2020 Capses de pastilles Juanola, tradicional i en format gran.jpg (file) 1.71 MB Millora en la llum de la fotografia i retallat de part de l'espiral
19:26, 24 September 2020 Jordi Matas Dalmases.jpg (file) 97 KB Cross-wiki upload from ca.wikipedia.org
07:45, 28 January 2013 Votació per a la declaració de Sobirania.svg (file) 165 KB Changed the color for the abstention, too much near that of the negative votes
23:32, 10 November 2011 Ubuntu-11-04-zxx.png (file) 330 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal inicial screen screenshot, in catalan.}} {{ca|1=Captura de pantalla inicial d'Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal en català.}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Tripallokavipasek|Trip
16:58, 9 November 2011 Ubuntu-11-10-cat.png (file) 415 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot inicial screen screenshot, in catalan.}} {{ca|1=Captura de pantalla inicial d'Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot en català.}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =[[User:Tripallokavipasek|Tr
23:16, 18 March 2011 BWR Mark I Containment sketch with downcomers.png (file) 61 KB Added tags to RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel) and SCSW (Secondary Concrete Shield Wall) and added a "P" for Pool to tag SFP. Added color to SFP and steam to the DW.
01:08, 28 November 2010 ARA 2010-11-28 Logotip.png (file) 5 KB Redueixo la mida de la imatge
11:07, 15 April 2009 Vignemale Massif view from Barrage d'Ossoue.jpg (file) 3.31 MB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Vignemale (3.298m) Massif, view from Barrage d'Ossoue (1.834m). You can see the Vignemale glacier, one of the last remaining in the Pyrenees.}} {{ca|1=Massís del Vinyamala (3.298m) vist des del Barrage d'Ossoue (1.834m).
17:56, 1 April 2008 Balaitús amb Gran Diagonal i estany Arriel Alto.png (file) 618 KB {{Information |Description= Balaitús (Pirineu aragonès) 3.144m des del Coll d'Arremoulit (2.448m) |Source= |Date=1982-07-31 |Author=Jordi Guilleumes |Permission= |other_versions= }}
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